Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be [not/n't] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The applicant had to sign agreement to a statement that confirmed he or she was not less than eighteen years of age , and they understood that the bank reserved the right to decline the application without being required to state any reason , and that no correspondence would be entered into in those circumstances .
2 she 's , she was walking with Lisa and I were n't there and her Mum sh jus , like she muc , she mucks about a lot and she told Leigh that if he do n't serve her he 's gon na die , she 's gon na punch him right !
3 Mm , cos mum had Reverend come round , you see cos dad were n't , none of us were religious least of all dad , he could n't do none of it , so we said to , we did n't , we did n't know what vicar to choose cos none of us go to church so me mum said dad used to go to the church where me sister got married to the little Derby and Jones twice a week and Reverend is always there so mum said we 'll have him , dad got on well with him , he liked him , he knew dad , anyway he come round to see mum and I were n't there cos I had to go and sign on , I bloody wished I had been , anyway she said , she told him all about dad and she said I want you tell everybody how brave he was in the war and what a good father he were and a good provider and how he lived for his grandchildren and so on and so on , she said I do n't want no hymns I just want his own organ music all through the service and nothing else and just some , do a couple of prayers , she , so he said right the Lords Prayer will be fine that 'll be nice , well he never said nothing , he said I did n't know John but he said I 've been told he was a good man , he worked in a hospital , which he did , but I mean you 're only like an engineer we were n't really emphasising on that and that was all he said , he played a bit of the organ music before we went in , a bit as we come out and there was about eight bloody prayers and the songs and everything read out and made us sing a hymn ever so disappointed , hardly said anything , hardly play , played his music , no , I was well disappointed about that
4 When I went to that rodeo with Jerry and I was n't home until after midnight , Harry did n't even ask me why I was so late — and he knew the time because he 'd been down to see if Islay 's foal was better .
5 I went why why , he said I just came round to your room and you were n't there but your music was on .
6 And then he was supposed to meet her there he he went there and she was n't there and then he went to the Red Lion and she was
7 erm I think in fact it would be better to ask Mr Bailey to explain what his concerns were erm I 'd just like to say first although initially it revolves around problems of drinking , I 'm looking at other issues of East Oxford , in that recently there 's been a great deal of concern about glue sniffing in sections there , and there have been various letters from residents in the local newspapers , and I think there 's a general level of problem for people living in East Oxford , and it 's not just that the people there want the streets cleaned up or whatever , they want something constructive and helpful to be done for people .
8 As you will see in the final reading from Gowie Corby Plays Chicken nobody w ill put up with Gowie 's cruel jokes for ever and it 's not long before people 's patience with him runs out .
9 School is something Sophie 's been looking forward to for ages , and it 's not long before she 's settled in .
10 Also we mentioned an environmentally sound road system and it 's not only that we 're , as are you over there against the fourteen or twenty eight lane or whatever busy lane it is on the M twenty five , because by putting all just increasing the road capacity is gon na lead to great loss from Kings Kingston on Thames and Ashtead and Shepherds Bush to Solihull .
11 He says what you can see is most of the cities not only in Holland , but the whole world and of course in England have to deal with the growing of cars and it 's not only that the car is a good thing — the car has very bad things for the city as a whole .
12 ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird ’ is set in the Deep South of Alabama , where the majority of white men will not accept Negroes into a white society and it 's not only that the Negroes do not live amongst the whites , in some cases they are treated as if they are nobody .
13 I consider that we have a very important national duty to perform in this respect ; this city is something more than the mother of arts and eloquence ; she is the mother of nations ; we are peopling two continents , the Western and the Southern Continent , and we are organising , christianising and civilising large portions of two ancient continents , Africa and Asia ; and it is not right that when the inhabitants of those countries come to the metropolis , they should see nothing worthy of its ancient renown .
14 But he soon wins you over , and it is not long before you start feeling that his casual manner conveys Higgins 's narcissism to a well-pronounced T.
15 This time there were no rum punches and no tears to act as aphrodisiacs , and it was not quite as before .
16 And it was not only that he had not got what he had hoped for , nor was it the jealousy which made him feel unsure .
17 And it was not only because it was the third time I had heard precisely how that acrobatic quartet achieved congress .
18 The former chairman , Sir Phil Harris , soon sold his shares and it was not long before the new company was running off the rails .
19 La Dolce vita had turned unimaginably sour and it was not long before the Italian stallions were heading back to the English First Division .
20 A permanent state of booze-induced stupor was considered good form by these people and it was not long before ‘ to be altogethery ’ meant absolutely blotto .
21 Mrs Whitehouse viewed these programmes as having no redeeming qualities whatsoever , and it was not long before she herself became the subject of a satirical programme in her own right .
22 The narrow streets were crowded and it was not long before Gerald had discovered the cause of the exultant bedlam .
23 This was a time of real communion , and it was not long before his parishioners began to think of him , as well as to address him , as Father Brendan rather than as Father McGiff , and he began to look on them as his family , and on Cork , their city , as his only home .
24 Alain had gone to bed , his mother said , and it was not long before they followed , the quiet , comfortable house silent around them .
25 It was cool and dark , the stone floor scattered with rugs , and it was not long before Jenna decided it was too cool and too dark .
26 His appearance , conjured up by the magic of Central Office , had a curiously calming effect , and it was not long before those who had been so rudely awakened by Tebbit 's demarche , to say nothing of the sight of so many Scottish rumps , were , once again safe in the arms of Morpheus .
27 The day was fine , but the gradients steep , and it was not long before Joshua ran out of puff .
28 Youth organizations were making rapid progress , and it was not long before the National Executive decided to re-organize the Labour League of Youth .
29 The great increase in air traffic made accidents almost inevitable and it was not long until Ayrshire had its first major air crash .
30 And it was n't today or yesterday he began either , if you ask me .
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