Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be [adv] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even the trained and qualified social worker will often admit — or insist — that he or she is out of depth in dealing with the sexual elements ' of a case , while the unqualified social worker is left to struggle with them as well as possible .
2 If you are catching the ball behind you , you are late and you are out of position .
3 Your arms , you 're dark and you 're out of order erm Alright , Kel ?
4 Yes but the , Julie said , and she 's right of course , you ca n't have the erm strength of drugs to , to , to administer at home because obviously
5 Admissions are up by 30 per cent and we are ahead of budget .
6 And they 're not of course because what happens is if you follow their advice and put ten pounds into Global Investment for example then Global Investments will at that stage will pay them .
7 It 's academic now because they 've lost and they 're out of Europe
8 Went down yesterday and they 're out of stock .
9 And er said about it 's a regular and er they 're doing it proper , they 're putting them on jigs so they 're welding them and they 're out of line and all sorts !
10 And for everybody whose joined after , I think it was last January , we make sure that there is a job description , and that they are given one when they join , and we keep on file erm , but I know that there are loads of people who have been here longer than that some people have got them and they are out of date .
11 But he is unusual , he is straight , and he is entirely of England .
12 well I could n't believe it when we went to Jersey and he was out of money and I could n't believe it he ai n't got any money
13 ‘ I know what happened at Leeds and he was out of order .
14 And he was out of prison .
15 Complaints often from cold , damp , penetrating winds and it is principally of use in colds and coughs .
16 The first three of these are clearly concerned with the treatment of third-country nationals , and it is therefore of interest to note that the question of visa policy , which might be thought to be implicit in the second and third objectives mentioned above will fall within the scope of Community competence by virtue of the new Article 100C of the EEC Treaty introduced by the Maastricht Treaty .
17 This is certainly so of memory and it is so of art .
18 Th there was sort of decorations on the saddles and things like that you know , and er , er , they had this firm and it was up of course , well , and it , to tell how far it was I had to be in by seven o'clock and I used to run it all the way .
19 But I 'm out of sight now .
20 ‘ You mean hist or ical , Mister Mate , but you 're right of course , ’ said the Captain .
21 But you are out of touch with that human part of yourself .
22 None of the activities described here exists or is encouraged in any extensive way nationally in the way that hospital or prison work is , but they are nevertheless of interest .
23 President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani 's moderation in foreign policy seems to have carried the day in Iran ; hardliners are vociferous in parliament and elsewhere ( the Islamic Republic allows more debate than the shah ever countenanced ) , but they are out of power .
24 These people are , we are told , ‘ proud , fanatical and illiterate … generally noble in bearing , polite in address , and profuse in hospitality ; but they are regardless of truth , dishonest in their dealings and secretly immoral in their conduct . ’
25 There are a number of specialist vehicles concentrating on eastern Europe , but they are mainly of interest to institutions .
26 But they were out of earshot now .
27 John is still in hospital but he is out of danger .
28 This level of interactivity is the most flexible but it is also of course the most expensive and the most complex to use .
29 But it is out of respect for your views , Mr Lewis , that I feel one should not simply cast them to one side as though they were uttered by some soap-box eccentric .
30 Lizzie was carrying a rape alarm , but it was out of reach in her handbag .
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