Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be [adj] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm always and I was frightened so much .
2 My big concern is that nine in one go all at the mini divisions and they 're all very much on their own out there , and there 's nobody to hold their hand through any for through the probationary period .
3 But the overall expenditure total for next year has already been agreed and it 's unlikely that much more could be pared from it .
4 They do flanged miniature bearings and it is possible therefore that
5 Effective history teaching at all levels must bring pupils into contact with primary evidence , and it is important therefore that , from the outset , the teacher of history forms a clear idea of the important distinction between primary and secondary sources .
6 He was anticipating losing his love and his child to Steve and it was all too much for him .
7 And it was all so much eyewash to keep up their spirits .
8 The response was terrific and it was obvious that much thought had gone into your replies .
9 Imports were almost exclusively from Germany , but it is obvious that much thought had been put into their acquisitions , for the next dog to be imported was Ossman v Frankofurtia in 1930 .
10 The First World " War interrupted the process , but it is clear that much had been done by 1914 .
11 Elsewhere there was no need to set up special bodies , but it is clear that much local administration had in practice to be devolved into the hands of local men .
12 So far , only six NHS trusts have introduced performance — related pay for nurses but it is clear almost all trusts want to introduce such a system .
13 But it 's all too much of a fluke .
14 But it was all too much , that Gloria , now threatening tears and out of tissues , repaired to the loo .
15 Miki & Chris eagerly gulped the resulting mess down , but it was all too much for WILLIAM REID of the MARY CHAIN , who bottled out altogether .
16 It was — good while it lasted , but it was all too much , too soon , and now it 's over . ’
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