Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [am/are] [v-ing] [adv prt] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Either that , or I 'm pointing out that you 've failed on this occasion and will have even less opportunity for success on another . ’
2 Either that or they 're finding out if someone 's home before going round the back and breaking in .
3 There are kids near the railings playing Piss On The Most Petunias , and I 'm lurking about like I want one of those little boys with chipolatas for my tea .
4 And I 'm driving along and I 'm thinking all about Christmas
5 And I 'm going up as well , but I 'm
6 And you 're going up as well ai n't you ?
7 And I 'm questioning you about what you think this says about John Major , and you 're coming back and saying well I do n't know because how can we
8 Where you 're running on the spot and you 're running up and down you know
9 And when you look far into space , you 're also looking back in time and we 're looking back when we look at the very most distant objects .
10 And they 're going up and down there , trying to catch hold of them .
11 Erm , it was more erm well Twelfth Night you had all these different characters and they 're coming in and out and they
12 Now they have become braver , and they are running about as usual . ’
13 But I 'm getting on and who cares what I think ?
14 Yeah but you 're going in and so they get your
15 William Davis , Chairman of the British Tourist Authority , says overseas visitors are still coming but they 're trading down and looking for bargains .
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