Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [am/are] [vb pp] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 We 're both very bad at it and I 'm damned if I 'm losing my best friend . ’
2 She made it specially for him , and I 'm damned if I 'll send it back . ’
3 But it would simply look like an admission of guilt and I 'm damned If I 'm going to do that when I 've nothing to hide . ’
4 ‘ We happen to be staying in the same place , and I 'm damned if I 'm keeping awake waiting for you to turn up .
5 One or two , maybe , and I 'm damned if I see how we 'll identify them in a hurry but … ’
6 And I 'm damned if I 'm going to permit you to — ’
7 ‘ I remember seeing pictures of a fish like that at school , but I 'm damned if I can remember what it was , ’ said Yanto , thoughtfully .
8 But I 'm damned if I 'll bow to anyone .
9 So the subtext of my behaviour could be interpreted as , ‘ I feel weak and tired , but I 'm damned if I 'm going to admit it , because that would only prove you right . ’
10 It would n't be so bad if he 'd gone off with a beauty , but I 'm damned if I 'll form part of a collection which includes someone bandy . ’
11 But I 'm damned if I 'm going to fart around like a pansy floor-walker watching that no poor sod nicks the Y-fronts , even if I am dignified with the name security officer .
12 But I 'm damned if I know where it 's coming from . "
13 Devastated I may be , but I 'm damned if I 'll give her the satisfaction of hearing me beg for mercy .
14 No question about it , she had a face , but I 'm buggered if I can remember what it looked like .
15 I 've become very fond of Ellis and I 'm prepared on occasion to be tempted into his latest hare-brained scheme , but I 'm buggered if I 'll carry on like Richard Hannay and his chums in a John Buchan novel .
16 Well I 've seen the toothbrush somewhere recently but I 'm buggered if I can remember where .
17 You go , Joanna — you know Ian Woodall , so that wo n't be embarrassing for you , but I 'm blowed if I want to meet Robert Sheldrake socially . ’
18 My heart aches for him sometimes , but I 'm blessed if I know if he 's happy ; if he ever wants to marry , have a family , he keeps his thoughts , feelings very much to himself .
19 I may not suffer much from amour propre , but I 'm fucked if I 'm prepared to run the risk of running into people from my past life while clad as a bellhop .
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