Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [vb base] [pers pn] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I want the pair of you dressed and off this train in five minutes — or I swear I 'll drag you off in your pyjamas ! ’
2 ‘ Supporters have been brilliant since I took over and I hope they will continue to back the team .
3 I think most of the issues that have been raised tonight already , are ones for the police authority and I hope they will get on with their job .
4 Yes , I can probably give you a brief answer , because er , in that you 've raised a whole host of other things , erm , which erm , er , we need to , we need to think about and , and debate , and I hope we 'll have further occasions to do so .
5 Thank you very much , I 'm sure there 's a debate within that , that we can all continue , and I hope we will continue because it 's so important .
6 Goodnight , señorita , and I hope we will meet again . ’
7 Labour Party say they want to tackle crime in and we have , and I hope we will debate later on this agenda , the situation where a Labour Chairman of the Police Complaints Committee turns up a public meeting urging er law- breaking and support for people who are not actually gone to trial an a the circumstances of the events really does not concern us but it 's the fact that leaflets are now circularising this city , printed by our old friends , the resource centre , urging people to join the Defence Committee , which is supported by the University Labour Party , is supported by the West Labour Party and is supported by the Police Complaints Committee no less .
8 Some of us , some of us tried to make a plea and I hope we will try , still try to make a plea that there should be a significant Roman Catholic er , element within the membership of the World Council of Churches in the future .
9 I believe that our new computer system when it 's linked to all the regions , will have the potential to access detailed health and safety information and I hope we will use it er , and make the information technology that is available to further our health and s safety service delivery .
10 He went back to his cell gladly , and I hope he 'll sleep until all this business we have in hand after Mass is finished and done .
11 Once a month , a gardener comes in to do the heavy work for me , and I hope he 'll dig the new pond .
12 I really liked the feature — and I hope you 'll start to put readers ' games on your Megatape more often , maybe even monthly — except for one thing .
13 And I hope you 'll give my offer serious consideration . ’
14 And I hope you 'll want to help . ’
15 Just to conclude , this is the best budget education 's had for many years , it 's good news for schools , it 's good news for council tax payers and mostly importantly it 's good news for pupils and I hope you 'll accept that .
16 Now I have decided and I hope you 'll back that up to reduce our cracker production .
17 erm And I hope you 'll enjoy it and also pick up the lessons .
18 We would very much like you to join the steering group and I hope you will confirm your willingness to do so .
19 This is available from us free of charge in bulk orders and I hope you will consider taking some for distribution .
20 I am sure you will agree that the aim of the development — to provide a more responsive , flexible and relevant Advanced Courses system — is very worthwhile and I hope you will share my view that the arrangements described in the attached papers will allow us to achieve our aims in a reasonable timescale .
21 I ca n't thank you enough , really I ca n't , and I hope you will come whenever you feel like it . ’
22 You will find the programme for the coming season attached and I hope you will agree that once more we have planned varied and stimulating sessions for you .
23 In the next few months there will be opportunities for discussion across the Region on community care issues and I hope you will let us have your views .
24 erm I 'm very sad to be leaving Oxford , I 've very much enjoyed working here , and it 's been good to work for a council with such a high commitment to H I V , and to fighting Aids , and erm I very much the support I 've had from the committee and I hope it will continue erm in this way .
25 Its response — a programme of positive action training for black staff — is one of a range of possible responses and I hope it will monitor its effectiveness carefully .
26 It 's always been a workers ' day and I hope it will remain so .
27 Driving through fog on the M25 , listening to yet another radio programme about the recession , it is difficult to imagine that there might be light at the end of the tunnel ; but spring is on its way , and I hope it will bring with it some sign of the long-promised upturn in the economy .
28 This motion sets out to address that issue and I hope it will gain all party support .
29 When I back there I am sure I will have changed to a certain extent and I hope it will have helped to develop my managerial skills . ’
30 Talking this way helps — and I hope it will help others , like Joanna .
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