Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had said , on her first morning with him , ‘ Mrs Kendrick and me always had a cup of coffee together before I got started , nice and friendly like . ’
2 You need to understand that I have , as we watch the RAF a beautiful aeroplane , er Colonel and I just exchanged a thought on it .
3 It is not really because I was just Noel and I just had a chat this morning .
4 I must have been mad on the strength of one fish , going all out boilies but it was a double and I just had a feeling this was how the better fish might fall .
5 And I also made a couple of erm copper ashtrays and and and beat them .
6 Before leaving London I saw the sights , from the Tower to Trafalgar Square and I also had a wander through Soho which I remember not so much for its more dubious side but for all the stalls of fruit and vegetables , every type , colour and description .
7 Another help at this critical time was that Halton won a county title at cross country when I was a junior , and I also won a boxing medal .
8 Referring to Adams 's advice , Llewellyn said : ‘ I listened closely and I also learned a lot schooling the horse over nine fences and while watching videos of Andrew riding him .
9 She looked sad and worried , and I even saw a tear or two on her face .
10 My parents and I generally got a lift home in a cart , leaving some of the other guests still in deep discussion and the small children asleep on their mothers ' laps .
11 On race day Graham and I both missed a gate on the steep Troeglhand .
12 Nigel was in Japan for a conference , and she and I both needed a bit of company .
13 We wanted to go away together and I desperately needed a rest .
14 Women of all ages were shouting and I clearly saw a handbag swung overarm .
15 Using the Amiga Five Hundred okay , er stripped it down , I sampled it and I actually made a song , a complete song , and it 's finished okay ?
16 And I only had a bit though , with rice and some bread and some
17 Actually , it felt no more of a wasted morning than wandering round the Guggenheim would have done , and I still managed an afternoon 's lingerie shopping .
18 Colleagues and I recently reported a case that may point to a possible adjunct to treatment for these patients .
19 I 'm frank and candid by nature and so perhaps not surprisingly my career was blocked , former friends learned to cross the street when they saw me coming and I quickly became a non-person ; a communist speciality .
20 Attitudes in second and especially third wave practices were more lukewarm , and I often encountered a sense of resigned determination — ‘ if we do n't go in now , we 'll get left behind . ’
21 ‘ I 'm Ron Barton and I 'll have you know that I am the Roving Correspondent of the True Brit , the newspaper with an even bigger circulation than the Sun , and I never laid a finger on , or up , the lady .
22 Crombies were skimpy Chesterfields and I never knew a kid to have one made out of real Crombie cloth .
23 So what with Carole 's soft voice and that we did n't get a lot of and it seemed as though it was well like that , several times I went last year and I really got a bit cheesed off .
24 ‘ I explained that I was 31 , I 'd had a history of infertility , and that this was my second pregnancy and I really wanted a child .
25 As Granpa Charlie and I always had an apple for breakfast , the arrangement sorted out our own needs and also gave me the chance to sample what we were selling to the customers .
26 Then Fenella tapped me on the shoulder and I almost had a heart attack .
27 At lunch time Derek and I almost caused a riot in the dining hall , because between us we could obviously only sit at two tables at once and every table wanted us to sit with them .
28 ( OK , so I 'm guilty of psychic breaking and entering on a massive scale , and the occasional bit of arson , but I did deliver a few villains their come-uppances when nobody else could , and I once taught a woman how to fly … )
29 It 's all done up in steel pins and scaffolding to hold it up , and I once saw a computer thing in a museum showing how it shudders when the trains go over .
30 And I once saw a dancing bear when I was little .
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