Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [was/were] [adj] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 We much enjoyed your visit during the vacation , and your mother and I were pleased to hear that you are attending to your studies and making a circle of friends .
2 Wendy and I were pleased to find that we were to be billeted in the same small town of Wolverton — pleased , that is , until we saw it !
3 My hon. Friends and I were interested to note that the NATO summit declaration in London on 6 July 1990 called for the alliance to place more reliance on reserve forces , and the Government have emphasised the importance of part-time soldiers .
4 A day or two later Anthony Rouse and I were astonished to hear that her agents were demanding the interview be withdrawn because , as she complained in a letter to the BBC 's Director General , Hugh Carleton-Greene , we had given her a solemn undertaking over lunch not to mention the matter of Wells and their son at all .
5 thank you um , it will be quick ah one of the things which caused distress last year was the reduction in the for sixth formers and I was sorry to see that it would n't be restored this time .
6 Yes , I welcome the substantial orders that have been received and I was pleased to see that in the past few days a number of them have come here .
7 Carole had said that the style of warden could really make a difference , and I was relieved to see that Aj was far too easy-going to be a slave-driver ; a non-conformist , his regulation chocolate-brown corduroy trousers were bleached white , a phenomenon which he put down to the use of Ariel automatic .
8 Rather dubiously I put it to the Chairman and I was relieved to find that he was quite enthusiastic about the idea .
9 I had n't a penny and I was flabbergasted to learn that Jerry can expect thousands .
10 My breasts were developing fast and I was ashamed to see that my nipples showed through the material .
11 We used the same old path , and I was amazed to realise that without knowing it I had been hurrying my children along and constantly looking over my shoulder .
12 Jumble sales are my passion , and I was amazed to hear that my friend had never been to one .
13 So now I knew how the Sorley/Cawthorne private intelligence line worked , and I was willing to bet that there was another Fax machine at Pegasus Farm currently on ‘ receive ’ .
14 Roper said : ‘ Good luck , old boy , ’ and I was surprised to see that he meant it .
15 ‘ Is that quite all right ? ’ he asked , and I was able to say that it was — it 's almost exactly the size of the poor old tray .
16 The sheet had slipped off Granny 's face and I was horrified to see that her eyes were still open .
17 You were right , Nigel , to say that there are talented individuals not yet part of a team — and you were right to say that Western Samoa are a bit useful .
18 Chris was still asleep when Carolyn came home , and she was relieved to hear that he had been fine while she was out .
19 Jenna glared at him , her cheeks burning hot , and she was pleased to see that he looked satisfyingly startled at her temper .
20 Mike was waiting for her in the lobby when she came down , and she was pleased to see that he too had dressed as informally as possible in deference to the humidity .
21 The gradual transformation from squalor to cleanliness gave her satisfaction , and she was pleased to think that the others would be pleased too .
22 Only slowly did her heart-rate come down , and she was able to see that no lasting harm had been done .
23 There were moments during the Mass when the litanies and prayers , the censers swinging to and fro and the smell of incense made her feel lightheaded , and she was able to believe that she was not really present , not really being married at all , and that at any moment she might open her eyes and awake , to find herself back in Corcaguiney , with the wind ruffling the water across Dingle Harbour and the cloud shadows sailing over the mountain .
24 He glanced in her direction and she was startled to see that his eyes , instead of being dark , were silvery pale and piercing .
25 Its warm radiance drove the shivers from her and she was glad to see that she had n't disturbed Antoine .
26 Their eyes locked together and she was surprised to see that there was no anger in his expression .
27 Losers instantly have their spur leg amputated with a machete , and we were shocked to find that a cock which even for a moment turns and runs has instantly lost .
28 He was somewhat taken aback by this honour and we were quick to explain that this was the finest tribute that could be paid to both Normans .
29 Dr Tim Bishop , for the ICRF in Leeds , added : ‘ We looked at dozens of case studies , from as far apart as America , Holland , Iceland , Germany , France , Sweden and the UK — in fact , almost all the known families with chromosome 17 linkage data and we were amazed to see that all of the families seemed to have the same genetic defect . ’
30 And they were able to place that subsequently because it was a , was a relevant thing that people wanted to read , and it was recognized as such by the organizations concerned .
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