Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [was/were] [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 There was then more silence , and I was later told that the Microwriter company had been improving the Agenda system .
2 There was so little space in the car and I was so cramped that one of the policemen lifted me bodily out on to the road .
3 And you were then told that he was the great propagandist of those who went around a dozen years or so later breaking down these storeyed windows , richly dykes , because it was of course profane and idolatrous to have that dim religious light in your churches .
4 For the next moment he was kissing her and she was instantly realising that nothing quite so exciting had ever happened to her before .
5 They were both selfish individuals and she was now thinking that they deserved each other .
6 Once she saw , sitting on the pavement before a café , drinking pale green drinks , and embracing , leaning over from their plastic chairs towards each other and embracing , the most beautiful couple ; the man with a face angular and ravaged and tragic , the girl dark and thin , with pale lips in a dark tan face : and she was so moved that she said , aloud to Rosie who was walking with her , " Look , Oh God , look at those lovely people " : and Rosie looked and stared and laughed and said , " Good Lord , what odd ideas you have , I would n't look like that if you gave me a hundred pounds . "
7 As with other defectors , the glory went to Golitsin 's head and he was soon proposing that he be allowed to establish a world-wide intelligence research organisation with unlimited funds so that he could play out his fantasies against the KGB .
8 But Dr was a good cricketer , erm he also wrote a very You could also read what Dr put , and he was also said that he sent people to hospital very quickly .
9 He had been long absent from the public balcony of the Roman palace which he had made his stage , and he was now proving that he was n't in chronic decline , as rumour held , with a pox contracted years ago , but had merely suffered a passing dose of ‘ flu .
10 Students spent a lot of time travelling ( walking and even running ) from one lecture to another in various parts of London , and it was increasingly demanded that they should find within the walls of the College all that they required , or that they should at least pay a fee that would entitle them as of right , rather than for charity 's sake , to enter medical lectures .
11 Controversy grew about some of the bolder experiments in egalitarian education , and it was increasingly alleged that basic education , the ‘ three Rs ’ , was being neglected .
12 Eight overs remained , and it was universally known that the bails would be lifted even if the match was still undecided : an extra pressure on everyone , and another silly regulation among cricket 's banana-skins , this one installed pre-tour by the visiting team .
13 The evidence produced included a transcript in English of Price 's evidence before the City Court of Gôteborg ; and it was not disputed that this evidence was admissible under paragraph 12 of the Schedule 1 .
14 Held , ( 1 ) refusing to join B. as a party , that , since B. claimed no personal interest in the money in court and it was not suggested that the money belonged to the ousted regime , her only locus standi would be as a person entitled to represent the Republic of Somalia ; but that , on the evidence , B. had no recognition as a representative of the Republic in the United Kingdom ( post , pp. 749H — 750B ) .
15 Of these three , bad environment must of course be taken seriously , and it was not suggested that environmental factors did not play an important part in health deterioration , but ‘ environment is not the only factor so operative and possibly not the most important one ’ ( M'Gonigle and Kirby , 1936 , p. 148 ) .
16 Hitler 's confidence in early victory made a deep impression , and it was widely believed that the final push would begin in March or April .
17 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
18 In his letter of Aug. 14 Saddam had underlined his determination " not to keep any of Iraq 's potential outside the arena of the great duel " and it was widely believed that this implied either an intention to consolidate Iraqi gains in Kuwait or launch an attack against Saudi Arabia .
19 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
20 No organization claimed responsibility and it was widely speculated that it had been a mistake by ETA .
21 He said the prison was close to anarchy and it was widely known that there was a strong risk of violence .
22 The baby was born on July 28th , 1981 , and it was immediately diagnosed that she suffered from Down 's Syndrome and also from a duodenal obstruction .
23 It was held that the facts did not show any detinue and it was also said that C had done no wrong by not allowing A to enter and remove them .
24 With regard to day space this has been agreed on a provision of 4m2 per patient and it was also suggested that in addition to providing that space for each resident , there should be extra space to accommodate 2 day patients per sub section .
25 These tracts did in part reflect a radical Whig philosophy : for example , the connection was made between a standing army in peacetime and absolutism , and it was also suggested that the right to resist would be nullified by a standing army .
26 The results substantiated this and it was also found that at deeper levels of processing , ‘ No ’ answers were less commonly recognised than ‘ Yes ’ answers .
27 In the following week over 5,000 were repatriated , and it was also reported that another 1,500 had returned to Albania voluntarily .
28 Personifying , as he did , the local , all-powerful gentry of the day , Henry was wont to indulge in the occasional deflowering of local maidens , and it was strongly rumoured that a serving girl at Lambourn Palace had been killed by Hippisley in a fit of temper .
29 In respect of count 1 it was submitted that section 2(1) did not apply to the facts of this case and it was particularly submitted that in order to contravene section 1(1) , and therefore in turn section 2(1) , it was necessary to establish that the offender had used one computer with intent to secure unauthorised access into another computer .
30 All in all , excitement reached fever pitch and it was confidently expected that there would be releases within the next few weeks .
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