Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [is] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The beloved is not separate , absent , but present , at the moment of the poet 's writing or speaking , as of the beloved 's hearing or reading the poem — as , indeed , of the reader 's reading , now and always : he or she is always there as we read .
2 and giving us tuition on real antique furniture , he does n't do anything in his shop erm after eighteen forty or it 's all more or less Georgian , very Georgian actually .
3 Like I say , she 's sleeping well now , and she 's often up before I even wake up .
4 And a fellow said to me about two ye , two to three years ago I expect it was two telegraph people up that pole out an just outside of my gate and he 's still there and I walk along the gate and he turned round to me he say you 're a lucky man !
5 and it 's just only because of the climate , there 's er
6 And it 's right therefore that a policy should express that explicitly within the structure plan .
7 The games start around 11am and it 's usually 5pm before the finals are under way .
8 Erm and it 's very largely because of the ideas that are associated with them .
9 Residents had to wait a year before they could put in claims and it 's only now that they 're getting their offers through , based on the district valuer 's assessment of the value of their homes .
10 A final pull on rounded ( and sometimes damp — be warned ) ledges and it 's all over and you can breathe again .
11 Yeah and erm yeah I mean that 's one of the things that tends to happen to kids and it 's almost like when you 're a kid your body is n't your own
12 The forward movement of the boat eventually turns the flies ; and it is generally just as the flies begin to turn that a fish will take .
13 Speaking to Christian supporters in east Beirut , General Aoun reminded the deputies in Taif that ‘ a war has erupted to liberate Lebanon and it is still on and it will continue until it achieves its goals ’ .
14 Because I have also read other of Rosa Guy 's novels , I know that her style is continuous throughout her stories and it is very rarely that one of her books ends happily .
15 Most of science is built up on good solid craftsmanship and it is only rarely that the occasional blinding flash of world-shattering importance ever really occurs .
16 It is easy for adopted parents to feel hurt or rejected and it is only rarely that they and the child make the search together .
17 Notoriously young children learn very quickly how to recite numbers in the right order without having any clear notion of their " cardinal " properties , and it is only gradually that they begin to associate their respective positions in the number series with a relation of magnitude .
18 The constant movement of troops through these areas caused great economic dislocation for the local populace and it is only recently that a number of Civil War ‘ hoards ’ have been found .
19 Today is the actual anniversary of the tragic night in Tottenham when Eubank crushed Watson — and it is only recently that the Islington fighter has started to make a real recovery .
20 Some additional information has emerged but , unfortunately , mouse chromosomes have not responded well to the high resolution techniques developed for human chromosomes and it is only recently that a higher resolution idiogram has been published ( 14 ) .
21 She has spent much of the last ten years establishing herself and securing her home base , and it is only now that she is beginning to realize her potential .
22 ‘ It is much , much longer and it is only now that you have time to realise what it means to you .
23 This has been the case with many traditional British companies and it is only now that they are really being exposed to greater change .
24 In one of the central episodes in the novel , Humberto not only cuckolds his employer , but fathers on his wife the heir whom the oligarch himself has never been able to engender , and it is only subsequently that it becomes clear that what has been narrated as a factual account of events is , in reality , no more than a fantasy in which he simultaneously avenges his social humiliation and effects the incorporation of the humble Peñaloza line into the oligarchy .
25 The series is a variation of Hans Christian Andersen 's fable of the Emperor — and it is more rather than less pointed because here the clothes are fabulous .
26 Morrissey is always taking off his shirt but he is also proudly and publicly chaste .
27 But he is all right when you get to know him .
28 Not only is Jesus the only saviour but he 's also a presence saviour not for the future or the passed , but he is there now and he says now , Paul to the Corinthians now is the acceptable time , now is the day of salvation , not to be put off , not to wait until you 're older until this is settled and till that 's done and you 've had this experience or that experience , now is the accepted time , he is the presence saviour , he is not a saviour for you tomorrow , you do n't know what tomorrow will bring but he is a saviour for the present for now , also he is a complete saviour in Hebrews seven twenty five he is able to save forever , those who draw near to God since he always lives to make intercession for them and finally not only is he a complete saviour , but he will actually save you , not the person beside you , do n't worry about that he will actually save you , there in Romans chapter ten , thirteen , for whoever , for whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved and so the invitation 's to you and it 's to me , it 's to us as individuals , are there a few that 's gon na be saved .
29 At one point there was real concern about his future but he is now back and playing better than when he was first picked by England . ’
30 Then she thought : But he 's only here because Bert is just through that wall there .
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