Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [is] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The party affiliation of the member is still the best single indicator of how he or she is likely to vote on a given bill , but party unity is very much less than in the British House of Commons .
2 Denice is never late , so we 've been told , and she 's due to arrive at any moment .
3 But erm , that 's Linda , and er , as I say I 've known her for seven years , you can have a bit of fun , she can take a joke , she 's got a good sense of humour , and nice to work with , and she 's nice to work with .
4 Commitment to the community is another important element of polytechnic life for Wright and she is keen to expand on a range of local programmes , from the sponsorship of concerts by the Northern Sinfonietta to student projects within the local community .
5 I respect the hon. Gentleman 's commitment to those matters , and he is right to point to one of the problems .
6 A manager is accountable to his superiors in the organisation for his actions and he is obliged to report to his superior how well he has exercised his responsibility and the use of the authority delegated to him .
7 That way , you then get his attention and he is obliged to listen to you .
8 It does not matter how convinced or dogmatic the judge appears to be : keep at him as long as you think you have some hope of success and he is willing to listen to you .
9 Laird 's strength in the tackle and his straight running should have interested the watching Edinburgh selectors and he is likely to feature in their plans for next season , as will scrum-half Fraser McMillan , who also had a fine game .
10 A few months more , and he is ready to leave for the East , to stay there , to die there .
11 Its withers will never win any of the races Ronnie had been telling himself about , and he is reluctant to return from this long , defeated , dark-thoughted walk to break the bad news or his adventure to his wife and daughters .
12 The youth … is capable of having principles ; his religious and moral ideas can be cultivated , and he is able to attend to his own refinement .
13 In this way the patient 's confidence grows during the course of the single session and he is able to bring to the forefront of his mind the relevant period in his life .
14 Big Boo , however , goes back further than most , and he 's happy to reminisce about the old days .
15 One last time the name is going to be talked about in the circles that bother about these things and it 's all to do with Mrs Thatcher who 's prone to say about her enemies vanity , vanity , all is vanity .
16 Erm and it 's all to do with contacts because I 'm still running my own business erm of of
17 Well I 've got all these tapes , I 've got to fill them all , I 've got these you see , and it 's all to do for market research on how people speak .
18 Whether you decide on a honeymoon at home or you 're planning a trip abroad it 's a wonderful excuse to treat yourself to a couple of new outfits for the beach and it 's essential to look after yourself and protect against the sun 's more harmful rays .
19 These cheeses are situated together , and it 's possible to move from one cheese to another .
20 It 's about halfway between London and Edinburgh , about level with Liverpool and Hull , and it 's easy to get to by train , plane or automobile .
21 Eating in Greece has always been a great social occasion — it 's normal to begin with meze , sharing from small plates of typically Greek food — taramasalata , tzatziki , dolmades , kalamari and Greek salad and it 's customary to go into the kitchen to choose your main course .
22 The city is a maze of narrow medieval alleyways and bridges , and it 's fun to explore among the ornate buildings and candy-striped landing stages .
23 Thereafter , it 's anything goes , really , and it 's fun to experiment with this novel method of obtaining bass sounds .
24 Our main aim in producing the magazine is to give readers inspiration and ideas for their homes and it 's heart-warming to hear of the success you 've had .
25 And , and it 's hard to plan around it .
26 ‘ Well , yeah , it 's obvious that Runrig had a good listen to the first Big Country album , you know ? ’ he remarks , archly , and it 's hard to tell from his deadpan tone whether or not he 's joking .
27 " There 's a lot of opportunity out there , " he says , " and it 's tough to get to the bottom of it all .
28 Again this causes blurring and it 's difficult to see near details .
29 It is a big job , it does n't just mean changing the colour of your stock , er , and it 's difficult to think of erm , er , Alan wearing the purple so to say , but erm , I 'm sure he , I went to his consecration in York about two months ago , it was a very moving and er , enjoyable occasion and he 's erm , er , now entered upon that inheritance .
30 Leonard Bernstein 's five-movement Serenade , inspired ( if that is the word ) by Plato 's Symposium , is dreary in the extreme and dispiritingly derivative ( sub-Stavinsky , sub-Copland , sub-Ives ) ; and it is vapid to listen to .
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