Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now my job 's up north , or I would n't be on this train now .
2 But in fact , he or she may well be in a privileged position .
3 She was n't a child any longer , or she would n't be after tomorrow .
4 Or they may simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time .
5 Or he may secretly be under guard in Dracula 's castle .
6 I ca n't bring them here although I 'd like to , and I ca n't be with them safely .
7 And here 's me dying to act and I ca n't be in it because I 'm Jewish . ’
8 I assured myself that it would be only temporary and I would soon be in a flat again , but ‘ temporary ’ turned out to be five years .
9 I have some very good leads on where these people might be , and I would n't be at all surprised if some of them were still alive .
10 ‘ Michael Stein hates James and I would n't be at all surprised if he had n't started a rumour like that himself .
11 He is very affectionate , and I would n't be without him now , and he has been to the vet 's for his injections so as to avoid another disaster .
12 Gaselee , whose head lad Peter Heaney comes from Ulster — ‘ and I would n't be without him ’ — is one of the old school who takes life as it comes .
13 But , then again , it does do a good thing , and I would n't be against giving them some support ,
14 And I would n't be in the least surprised to find that that 's why your Miss Philimore has decided to get out . ’
15 Your father and I would still be in Akmeyon if it was n't for your zeide .
16 I do remember that I left a sort of note for my family telling them not to worry because I 'd got a good job and I might not be in touch for a while , but then it all gets kind of overlaid with a memory of a headache like you would n't believe , and shock at being connected to all these horrible machines and — ’
17 I said I was rather tied up at the school over most week-ends ; though the half-term holiday was the week-end after next and I might just be in Athens then — but I could n't be sure .
18 I 'd rather carry on in my own sweet way , and I 'd rather be in Stockholm .
19 Just nerves ; I 'm a weepy female and I should probably be on valium , but fuck it , I 'm riding it out , you know ?
20 The elder one is particularly interested in science and I should n't be at all surprised if they do n't become scientists
21 You — you have business to attend to — and I should only be in the way . ’
22 And you 'll both be in the rattle when you get there , wo n't you ? ’
23 After DataEntry is complete , press the key ( Paradox calls this the ‘ Do-It ! ’ key ) , and you 'll then be in the View Table screen .
24 ‘ I wo n't be long and then I 'll explain everything and you wo n't be cross any more . ’
25 You 're growing up , yes , but you 're not grown-up and you wo n't be for some time , and in the meantime you 're still my girl .
26 bloody blue moon and you may not be worth putting on your and calling every six weeks Mandy , but , it might be worth asking it in a more open way .
27 Fail to control your work boundaries and you will assuredly be on the receiving end , like Margaret , of endless inappropriate delegation , buck passing and management by inertia .
28 If you 're stuck on what is currently shareware 's most popular game get this disk and you will soon be on your way .
29 Stop , we will of course continue to put the varieties into unofficial trials , bracket and will pay the fees in full close brackets , in good faith on the understanding that when the varieties are to go into U K official trials , the position of your company will have been resolved and you will then be in a position to offer us the excrusive , exclusive rights at that time .
30 Take advantage of this brand new collecting opportunity and you could soon be aboard a British Airways scheduled flight to any one of 140 international destinations .
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