Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or I might suspect too much vehemence in his insistence that he loves gibbons , and suggest that he is deceiving himself , that visiting the animals has become a habit without much joy in it .
2 ‘ Stop fighting or I 'll go completely crazy … ! ’
3 Yeah , I 'd run a creche erm help out you know , be part of a , part of a thing or I could set up some my own
4 We , in return , had better give you a few tips on how to behave in a Grenadier battalion or you 'll come badly unstuck . ’
5 Or you can go up that way , yes but I mean if you , you know , you can walk through to make sure you 're not there if you want , but you can go up , that 's the way
6 Everyone says like , ‘ Leave her alone because she 's pregnant ’ , or you can get off some of the work .
7 So if you 're planning to use inkjets with company letterhead , check that the printer works with the paper before you buy , or you could wind up unable to use all that expensive stationery !
8 You 're right Eileen it , you could have really bad luck and have all four children with P K U or you could have really good luck and none of them have P K U , or you could have half and half , that 's just an example , with each successive pregnancy you stand a one in four chance , those are all the possibilities , but like throwing the dice it comes up at random .
9 She could go her own way , or she must hand over that rebellious will , and seek God 's forgiveness for the years when she had been downright disobedient and pushed Him out of her life .
10 Indeed as friend , colleague or relation , the listener has a choice of responses which were not available to her had the task merely instructed her to listen : she could , for instance , adopt a cool intellectual probing , helping the talker to weigh up the pros and cons , or she could set up emotional resistance to the idea .
11 We may ask an observer to carry a device which records his position , velocity and acceleration as a function of time as he mingles with the crowd or we may set up two observation posts at the entrance and count the number of people per second passing across the space between the posts .
12 Predators may select prey in order of abundance , as does the barn owl , for instance , in which case they preserve the original pattern of equitability , or they may select less abundant prey preferentially , as do most mustelids , in which case they change it .
13 Or they can pick up cut-price plant and equipment , or computer systems .
14 Let no one mention horses to me or they will get very short shrift . ’
15 ‘ After supper , but soon after , or they 'd wonder too much at my coming for you .
16 This may require the parents being given some special activities to be carried out each day , or it may involve more general and less highly structured activities , such as looking at books or playing with toys .
17 In practice , this may mean as little as insisting on modest changes in decision-making procedures and modes of academic debate ; or it may mean as much as the sacrifice of a whole way of life for activism in some major political cause .
18 It may be one that is large and far-reaching or it may appear relatively small and trivial but … ( of ) special significance for the person who makes it is that his choice will help to determine the pattern of his unique development over time .
19 It may have unlimited funds or it may have very tight ones ; most fall somewhere in between so you have to think creatively about raising the additional finance to do the job properly .
20 One does n't realize that there 's a lot of research to be done or ruminating time , or whatever , and so that can be an area of misunderstanding or it can build up unfortunate prejudices .
21 But a man may have no son , or he may have too many among whom to share his limited lands and principles had to be modified continually to meet particular circumstances .
22 Benji can look like a broken-down old cab horse with a real novice on his back or he can look really smart .
23 Keith always had a reason , so we did n't mind that much , but both David and me used to get quite annoyed with Peter .
24 riverside pub where Pip and Magwitch stay the night during their journey down the Thames , ‘ a dirty place enough , and I dare say not unknown to smuggling adventures ’ .
25 I must say that I do not at present find the time at all tedious and I may say scarcely monotonous .
26 I says , So I want to cut the ordeal short , I says , and I 'll go on next week .
27 And I 'll go down ready to move .
28 to yourself I 'll do better next time and I 'll do better next time and it 's , it 's all the time I must try harder next time !
29 I 'll explain the circumstances exactly , and I 'll make very sure that everyone believes me .
30 I 'll leave that gap there and I 'll crossed out six , eight tiles there , OK ?
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