Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [be] not [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 From birth , the baby and infant imbibes moral values and learns to control instinctual wishes so that he or she is not chastised by parents , or other agents of socialization .
2 Morrissey means everything to me and I 'm not bothered by people who laugh at me , I really do n't care , I love Morrissey , end of story .
3 And I 'm not shamed by my English , so that 's one fewer fomenter of cafard .
4 I believe her , I trust her and I was not bewitched by her green eyes , owing to the fact that I was on duty at the time . ’
5 It was later written that he was ‘ … right glad to be translated from Bristol to Exeter for , while the former See was poor , the latter was better endowed and he was not withheld by any scruples from begging for promotion ’ .
6 But the logic of this point of view is not compelling , and it is not supported by the data .
7 There is no externally-based explanation for this , as there is no sign of [ j ] -deletion as a known process in the history of Ulster dialect , and it is not favoured by RP , which on the contrary replaces the [ j ] of [ j ] -deleting dialects ( Trudgill , 1974 ; Wells , 1982 ) .
8 If there is a possibility of the agreement falling within the prohibition in Article 85(1) and it is not covered by a block exemption , the agreement should be formally notified to the Commission .
9 In about February 1991 Mr. Mahdi had been proclaimed President of Somalia by the U.S.C. It was not clear on what basis such an assumption of office could be made and it was not accepted by the other clans .
10 He thought that by involving as many as possible in the formal decision-making , he was ensuring their support ; but he forgot that his pleasure in obedience had been learnt the hard way of monastic conversion , and it was not shared by many — not even , when it came to the push , at Bec — much less in the world .
11 But I am not convinced by it .
12 ‘ Make way for Miss Louise , ’ they chorused , but I was not bothered by their sarcasm : it was the snowballs that some threw that mattered .
13 So what you 're saying is , that if people er , if people 's consciences state I ought to try and do this , but I 'm not required by statute to do , the chances is that A , that you , you ca n't do it anyway , but B you would n't have the facilities to do it anyway , as well .
14 ‘ I do n't like the fact that I am the butt of so many things — a lot of which I think is unfair — but I 'm not inhibited by it .
15 But she was not intimidated by the old man 's manner which could sometimes be childishly cajoling , sometimes violent as it was today .
16 Recently my female Oscar laid eggs , but they were not fertilised by the male .
17 Thus , the arguments from efficiency and democracy were joined in the proposals contained in the Bill ; but they were not held by all the protagonists in equal measure .
18 But he was not moved by such feelings to sympathize with the rebels and the subversive .
19 Unlicensed boxing is not illegal , but it is not recognized by the British Board of Control .
20 Note the strong dynamic contrasts , large leaps , and tendency towards destruction of the metrical pulse ; the music has continuity , but it is not effected by a sense of ‘ beat ’ :
21 But it was not helped by such petty interferences with ordinary life as a decree of 1781 which forbade young men under the age of twenty-eight to travel abroad , or another of 1789 which forbade the granting of a marriage licence to peasant couples unless they could prove that they had already enriched the state by planting a number of fruit trees .
22 A cautious welcome was also given by the colony 's business establishment , but it was not shared by many of those who have campaigned for more generous measures to help restore confidence after China 's bloody suppression of its democracy movement in June .
23 Such may have been the common view , but it was not shared by the Plantagenets themselves .
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