Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [be] also [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Trials of this kind were not uncommon in ancient times , and they are also well known from Africa and India .
2 Foreign investors are better acquainted with customs and practices in the eurobond market and they are also widely believed to have strong preferences for the anonymity of bearer securities and for the receipt of interest payments without deduction of tax .
3 A detailed booklet of advice is given to each S5 pupil and they are also individually counselled on which papers and how many they should attempt at CSYS .
4 So , letters condense events enormously , and they are also probably written from a particular angle with the recipient in mind .
5 Many real-world data structures fit into the hierarchical pattern , however , and they are also readily understood .
6 They were apparently advised by people not named , that they should not take the petition round in their area , and they were also apparently reminded who they were employed by .
7 George Orwell was particularly fond of striking these contrasts between the ordered stability of the past against the awfulness of the present , and he was also thoroughly wound up in the myths of English civility : ‘ The gentleness of the English civilisation is perhaps its most marked characteristic ’ , he wrote in an essay of 1940 , ‘ Everyone takes it for granted that the law , such as it is , will be respected , and feels a sense of outrage when it is not . ’
8 Like Gogarten — another systematic theologian — he was German and Lutheran ; and he was also much influenced by the Existentialism of Martin Heidegger ( 1889 — 1976 ) .
9 This eye-mask device is extremely common among fish , with literally hundreds of species employing it , and it is also widely seen in snakes and frogs .
10 It has been calculated that , at some point in her life , one woman in five will be infected with this parasite and it is also generally accepted that the organism is almost exclusively sexually transmitted .
11 This is the firm 's minimax profit , and it is also often referred to as its ‘ security level ’ , since the firm can not be forced to take a lower profit than that .
12 And and it is also perhaps distracted er attention from the interesting disagreements also taking place at the Labour party conference this week between the one more pushes , if I might describe them and the hard liners who believe you 've got to be radical .
13 they 're not angels , they 're a hard regiment , but they 're also highly disciplined and highly trained , I 've got , I , I , the other thing I could n't see what good , I mean is it , is it the , I mean its not , its not the anniversaries or any thing so I do n't know why they brought the out , cos I ca n't see what interviewing people twenty years after the thing happen can do .
14 But they are also extremely limited in terms of our particular interests .
15 Usually the burials were accompanied by some personal grave-goods , such as a sealstone or a metal signet ring , but they were also usually robbed soon afterwards .
16 Cartwright 's study in the early 1960s showed that doctors practising in middle-class areas not only had smaller lists of patients than their colleagues in working-class areas but they were also better trained and they had better contacts with hospitals .
17 Denis Diderot gained lasting fame as the energetic editor of the French Encyclopaedia , but he is also rightly celebrated as an art critic .
18 Professor Laurence Learner is an English scholar at the university , but he 's also well known for his verse , and it 's about his verse I want to talk to him today .
19 Archie usually performed as a combative left-half for the Palace , but he was also occasionally drafted into the front line , to play as a makeshift centre-forward to most useful effect , because his considerable height gave him a distinct advantage in that department and he scored on his first two outings for us in the number nine shirt .
20 Sattareh 's father may have been autocratic , infuriatingly stingy and over 60 at the time of her birth , but he was also unusually enlightened .
21 The problem in relation to deaf people is nevertheless a challenging one since not only is their language different in vocabulary and grammar from spoken languages but it is also largely carried out in a different medium .
22 This arrangement can become part of a reproductive grouping , but it is also frequently observed in non-breeding groups , where a hierarchy develops in relation to food sources .
23 But it is also well known that the so-called expert witness in court may be a hired gun , willing to testify to anything for a fee , or a crackpot whose unsupportable ideas are masked by an advanced degree — often from a respectable university .
24 It 's well worth doing in one go but it is also well suited to shorter walks — I 've outlined a couple of my favourites .
25 But it is also increasingly explored by the Right , concerned to explain the electoral disillusionment which drove Bush out of office and Major out of Thatcherism .
26 But it is also commonly found , more or less explicitly , in traditional grammar , as Chomsky himself pointed out , citing the Port-Royal grammar ( Chomsky , 1968 ) .
27 ‘ The power to create and manipulate culture as a means or controlling others is well entrenched in the social , Economic and political institutions of a society but it is also continually resisted by opposing cultural forms ’ .
28 This emphasis upon a common style is partly connected with that sense of national identity and community which the war provoked , but it was also intimately related to Eliot 's preoccupation with what he termed " The Social Function of Poetry " in both developing the language , and enriching the sensibility , of the culture .
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