Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It could be , or I 'm just wondering if it 's actually squirrels , because although the , the excreta contains berries erm a squirrel will eat berries , it will also eat nuts and of course they do bury their nuts and I 've actually seen squirrels in other parts of the country digging holes and starting a bit of a larder and of course there are a lot of , of erm squirrels in Croydon so I think unless you actually see the animal you can only speculate that it is something small like a vole or , or a squirrel .
2 Most of the time we 're either sitting outside the head 's office or we are either fighting or we are either arguing with them .
3 anything or it 's never published that if you go self-employed
4 Navy blue high-heeled shoes and earrings completed the ensemble and I am reliably informed that the skirt was the ‘ new length ’ , i.e. above the knee .
5 And I am reliably informed that makes him dependable , trustworthy — and loyal unto death ! ’
6 She is my responsibility and I am merely suggesting that you may want to go home .
7 And I 'm just wondering whether er the er point at nineteen ninety one is a correct v in view of the under-enumeration er in the census which is n't taken into account .
8 and I 'm just wondering if maybe , maybe we will just have to do a wee bit of work and try and get something on the go to see if somebody will
9 ‘ What we have here , ’ she says , ‘ is an oldtime country school , and I 'm still teaching and the kids are still learning . ’
10 In the end I had to admit he was right and I 'm still extending and using the ideas where they apply to my present job .
11 and I 'm certainly show that few of us have grown any wiser in the intervening decade .
12 And yet the impact on us is considerable , and I 'm seriously wondering whether the major spending committees ought not to look again at the budgets that they 're erm , and I 've discussed this with , and obviously education is the big problem , but er , I 'm not convinced that erm , the sums of money which we 're being asked to pay out , not be taken from the education budget without too dra drastic an effect on the school .
13 Everything looks so high from here , and I 'm all squashed and thin like I 'm paper and people can walk over me and it would n't hurt and they would n't know I was there .
14 I feel too tired to sleep so I play some Despot when I get home but my heart 's not in it and the Empire is still in a tattered-looking state after all the earlier disasters and I 'm almost wondering if I should start again but that would mean going back to the fucking dawn of civilisation and the temptation in Despot is always to swap PoV , which people who do n't know the game always think sounds sort of innocent , like some detail , but it is n't : you 're not just swapping point of View , you 're swapping your current Despotic power Level for something less , even if it 's a regional lord or other king or a general or royal relation close to the throne , and it is not to be done lightly because as soon as you renounce the current Despot 's PoV the computer takes over and it 's a smart fucking piece of software .
15 As I reeled around in the meaty steam a little tune tinkled repetitively in my mind ; it was the song Siegfried and I were forever singing as we waited to enter the RAF , the popular jingle which In our innocence we thought typified the new life ahead .
16 In that first week , Dulcie was planning a programme of ballets with the school , and I was immediately cast as Kostchei — almost entirely a mime role — in her own version of The Firebird , called Russian Tale .
17 Well , they got me out , and into our trenches , and patched me up , and I was just leaving when the Huns started shelling .
18 Mm and I was just wondering if that is your girl who is due to come at a quarter past six then she erm
19 There was then more silence , and I was later told that the Microwriter company had been improving the Agenda system .
20 And I was really wrecked and I was I was n't even actually ill I just sat , well I was eventually but I sat on this wall for about four hours , yeah
21 There was so little space in the car and I was so cramped that one of the policemen lifted me bodily out on to the road .
22 And you 're also summoned that on that same occasion you not having given your name and address to any person requiring it at the time , you failed to report the accident at a police station , or to a constable as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case within twenty four hours of it happening again , that 's an offence under section twenty five of the road traffic act to that effect do you plead guilty or not guilty ?
23 ‘ All the same , ’ said Araminta thoughtfully , ‘ Papa says I 'm not to see you again till it 's over , and you 're either arrested or cleared .
24 And you were then told that he was the great propagandist of those who went around a dozen years or so later breaking down these storeyed windows , richly dykes , because it was of course profane and idolatrous to have that dim religious light in your churches .
25 And she is wholly believed because of that .
26 The poor book entry for 1783 helpfully gives us her age as 48 , and she is variously described as living at ‘ Coniger ’ , ‘ Cowards Batch ’ and ‘ Nail Street ’ — all within the Trinity area .
27 As always , his knack of disarming was successful , and she was even laughing as they went into the foyer of the Tudor Queen where Sam and Anna awaited them .
28 She come in , she was alright when she come in and she was just speaking as usual , she went up to bed
29 It did n't take long , and she was just finishing when Bill arrived , bearing a large picnic hamper .
30 In her heart , Alida Thorne knew both the future and the truth , and she was both oppressed and afraid .
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