Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] then that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Dean agreed : ‘ I had an opportunity to watch Jimmy a couple of times from short leg in my first season here , and I realised then that he does n't go very far forward .
2 " I saw him just before nine and I thought then that he 'd been dead about twelve hours , perhaps a little longer .
3 ‘ Ah , mortal , when first I called you to the pool in the Forest , you came swift as a bird — and I felt then that our souls answered to each other .
4 And then I leaned up to look down into your face , and saw the same vulnerability echoed there , your eyes almost purple , dazed , uncomprehending , and I knew then that I could n't let you go .
5 She remembered the glint of steel in his eyes last night , and she knew then that she would be lucky if he allowed her to get that far into explaining anything .
6 ‘ Nature-lover , ’ he teased , and she knew then that she held him in some quite high regard .
7 The sound came again and she understood then that it was from the interview room beyond his wall ; .
8 I did n't know any details , but a month or so ago I had a row with my uncle and he said then that I must n't count on anything from him ; if I did I 'd be disappointed . ’
9 A shadow fell on them from time to time , from his own past as well as from hers , and it seemed then that they were threatened by some evil which could blot out their joy at a moment 's notice .
10 But I decided then that I would write the story of my children , today , before it is too late .
11 But he thought then that there was someone behind him , he thought for a moment that he heard footsteps .
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