Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] all the " in BNC.

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1 I hold nothing against them and I wish them all the best .
2 ’ That says everything about their professionalism and I wish them all the best for the future .
3 But his sacking was an injustice and I wish him all the best in his appeal . ’
4 He added : ‘ Tony and I are good friends and I wish him all the best .
5 I hope that the Minister is more successful with his new portfolio than his predecessors were and I wish him all the best in the difficult task that lies ahead of him .
6 So it just leaves me to say well done and thank you most sincerely for 1991 and I wish you all the success and happiness for the New Year !
7 I thought : ‘ Well , you wanted a working-class original , and that 's what you 've got , ’ and I ate it all the best way I could — fingers and all .
8 His sigh was heavy , though , and she felt it all the way through to her bones .
9 ‘ All our things are country things that have been well used over the years , and we use them all the time , and live with them , and enjoy them . ’
10 And we give you all the usual great PFK features — MAX GIBBS on the Rasboras ; CHRIS COBLEY 'S herbal remedies for your fish ; JERZY GAWOR 's health clinic ; breeding Victorian cichlids ; marine problem-solver from JOHN CRIPPS ; the perils of a pond retailer .
11 So the emphasis now is more on the people themselves , basically Neighbourhood Watch is your scheme , it 's not a police thing , we support it , we pay for the hall tonight , we pay for the signs for the street and we give you all the literature free , but it is your scheme and it 's how you want it to be .
12 We 've got that techno album of yours and we play it all the time .
13 And we gave them all the chance to have a share in the profits .
14 And they give me all the equipment I need .
15 Worked out less than , I do n't know and they give us all the posters and everything , so weekend I 'm gon na send away for another seventy
16 And they give you all the other information you need .
17 and they treat us all the same an'all
18 The thing is my father was a journalist , and he taught me all the fucking tricks .
19 Well you heard what he said he wants his children to have a good education and he pushes them all the time , they 've got ta if they do anything
20 ‘ I spoke to him on Sunday night and he wished me all the best , while I thanked him .
21 I was the closet to him , I was within twenty-four hours a day and he called me all the time .
22 And he give me all the jollop ready ?
23 The rehearsal went on and he watched her all the time .
24 He captured her in a variety of poses and moods which reflect her many facets : as a grande dame in a hat and fur collar ; as a great courtesan — ‘ Madam Pompadour ’ he called the painting , perhaps deliberately mis-spelling it ; in a wicker chair ; demure in front of the piano ; and he sketched her all the time , with quick , deft strokes .
25 And it takes you all the way there ?
26 They built it around a makeshift shrine , with offerings to the gods , both good and bad , and it took them all the following winter , this winter .
27 erm you go in this place and erm and it shows you all the boats and things , and you can have a go on , there 's this thing where they crawl up .
28 He had to ring up that and it gives you all the phone numbers of all the police stations in Bristol .
29 And it showed you all the sort of countries of the world , you know , on lights and , and that , and which light was for which wh when they took us round the er
30 Like the dog 's born er after , before that , and before that , and before that and it showed you all the owners and everything , right ?
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