Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] are [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 These problems or investigations are expected to be diverse .
2 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the rulebook for a full description ) .
3 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
4 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
5 Some fear that the statement could catch ‘ innocent ’ schemes as well as any that clearly defeat the purpose of the legislation , and discussions are reported to be taking place between the Revenue and the profession as to how exactly the statement will be implemented .
6 Certain principles and values are assumed to be unchallengeable and therefore to be nurtured .
7 Under these conditions , the reactants and products are said to be in their standard states .
8 With this in mind the genetics-supply industry has approached the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) negotiations at which all biological processes and products are assumed to be patentable .
9 By contrast , non-kin and affines are presumed to be enemies until they are shown to be friends !
10 From the individual 's point of view , bonds and equities are assumed to be perfect substitutes .
11 A list of their names and addresses are included to be added to your directories .
12 A list of their names and addresses are included to be added to your directories .
13 After all , ’ she continued , fixing her smile , forcing herself to look into those eyes that were so deep she felt she could drown in them , ‘ life 's too short for moping about and parties are meant to be fun , are n't they ? ’
14 Also , domestically produced fertilizers and imports are deemed to be imperfect substitutes in production , these products being differentiated by various non-price factors including nitrogen content per tonne , packaging and advisory services .
15 With Texas producing the units in the quantities needed , the Sparcstations and upgrades are expected to be deliverable this quarter .
16 River insects develop wings in the last stage of their life cycle , and dragonflies are known to be able to fly many miles .
17 Leibniz 's view is that the sources of individuation lie within the entities themselves ; in other words , entities are regarded as basic , and places are said to be explicable in terms of relations between entities — " entities " meaning here " individual substances " or " monads " .
18 Drug cartels and terrorists are reported to be taking over the counterfeit clothing business .
19 If bladder and testicles are found to be clear of disease , the most likely culprits are an adductor strain or osteitis pubis .
20 Another , equally sinister , is the way in which most public meeting places and telephones are assumed to be bugged ; even the family is no longer a safe environment in which to talk .
21 Workers are said to be rationed in the labour market and firms are said to be rationed in the commodity market .
22 Pesticides washed from farms and gardens into creeks and ponds are thought to be responsible .
23 No two years are alike , and what succeeds this year may fail next : further , your early plans will be made without complete knowledge of all the factors , and modifications are bound to be necessary .
24 In days of yore , such places were spattered with the blood of sacrificial victims to ensure good fortune in battle , and dunters are thought to be the spirits of these unhappy people .
25 TENS OF thousands of phantom azalea bushes and geraniums are believed to be alive and growing in the gardens of Northern Ireland after the discovery of alleged false accounting .
26 Several copies of the recording have been circulated and transcripts are set to be published next month in a book about the royals called Fall Of The House Of Windsor .
27 SMOKERS and motorists are set to be hit hardest in Norman Lamont 's Tuesday Budget .
28 The important difference between Keynesian and neo-classical economics is that in the extreme Keynesian model , wages and prices are assumed to be inflexible ( at least in the downward direction ) whereas in the extreme neo-classical model , wages and prices are assumed to be completely flexible .
29 The important difference between Keynesian and neo-classical economics is that in the extreme Keynesian model , wages and prices are assumed to be inflexible ( at least in the downward direction ) whereas in the extreme neo-classical model , wages and prices are assumed to be completely flexible .
30 Up to 45 British men , women and children are feared to be among the 110 cult members inside the compound , which is surrounded by hundreds of heavily-armed police and federal agents .
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