Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] that [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite much popular misconception , there are relatively few individuals or families that find themselves in this position .
2 As with gonorrhoea , non-gonococcal infection in the female does not produce signs or symptoms that enable it to be diagnosed clinically .
3 To make a claim is to articulate a public statement that one has ‘ reasons or grounds that put one in a position to engage in performative and propositional claiming ’ .
4 At a time when a good public image is essential for universities , English is unable to explain itself in ways immediately intelligible to the outsider , is notoriously riven with doubts and disagreements that prevent it from having a shared sense of purpose , and may at intervals erupt into crises that attract the wrong sort of publicity .
5 Er Trading Standards Officers have been helping the police have made a large number of visits to sales in recent months targetting those where we know or suspect there will be concentration of counterfeiter goods and these stolen items we 've been taking and seizing items , we 've been making inspections and er we will also be distributing some leaflets to try and advise people of some of the risks and dangers that face them at this sort of event .
6 They can see and smell lines and shapes that lead them through the darkest night , point out lines of demarcation , isolate territories .
7 Kids too sick to raise their heads , lying soft and limp beneath the burden of heart disease , kidney failure and cancers that eat everything but innocence .
8 ‘ And the sleep fragrance releases smells of roses , the tropics and things that remind you of sleepy lazy days . ’
9 Loathing the expressionism and abstractions that surround him during his time at Newcastle , where he studied in the late Sixties , he believes ‘ you have to pick up the traces .
10 ‘ About schools , no doubt , they know something-perhaps they have schedules and inventories that tell them in wearisome detail what they should look for in the structure , the physical fabric .
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