Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] with a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Move towards fresh fruit salads , berries or fruits with a topping of yogurt ( rather than cream ) , or even the occasional banana flambé or strawberries in champagne .
2 The services are targeted at customers with 1,000 personal computers or more , multinational companies , or companies with a lot of branches , and are intended to provide such organisations with a better return on their investment by attacking the hidden costs of installation , support , and implementation of an ever-increasing number of upgrades .
3 For example , many adult education institutes , traditionally non-vocational , now put on courses for specific language examinations , that is either GCSE or A-levels with a choice of examination boards , those of the Institute of Linguists , the RSA or in the case of EFL , the Cambridge examinations amongst many others .
4 Early studies supporting this concept were done using suboptimal techniques on small numbers of subjects , most of whom were hospital inpatients or outpatients with a variety of medical conditions , rather than healthy asymptomatic subjects .
5 More advanced courses may include elements of document design , and a survey of available systems and technologies with a comparison of their capabilities , but they are still normally designed to teach specific skills and so may be considered as ‘ service ’ courses .
6 In the computer industry , as with any other , ideas have to be discussed with various persons and organizations with a view to raising finance and granting licences to use or make the resulting invention or copyright work .
7 We will be sending out more details over the coming weeks and months with a view to starting Community Action in the summer .
8 Each night six people will win free fish and chips with a bottle of wine .
9 It is a period of constant , but intermittent , reflection and re-examination of essential roles and purposes with a questioning of past practices by those both within the institutions and those without , particularly the large international companies .
10 They may be intended to help people to be more aware of their own interests and abilities with a view to taking the first steps towards any of these possibilities .
11 the importance of the home as a venue for leisure in different types of housing and households of different sizes and structures with a range of housing types ;
12 Diodorus ( xii.30 ) speaks of her massing troops and resources with a view to conquering all Sicily : it was not only under her tyrants that Syracuse 's foreign policy was expansive .
13 The same unfortunate landlord returned a few days later as we were playing forfeits , and made no mention of the fact that one person was in a bra and panties with a colander on his head , another had wellingtons on filled to the brim with curdled milk and the rest of us had false moustaches drawn on with an indelible black magic marker .
14 The main purpose is to investigate the relevant legislation and regulations with a view to determining the extent to which the terms are inherently unstable in the context of the objectives of the two parties within a changing economic and political environment .
15 She was the classical picture of an ancient bovine ; as fleshless as her owner , with jutting pelvic bones , splayed , overgrown feet and horns with a multitude of rings along their curving length .
16 R. H. S. Crossman lived there with his family , combining an interest in farming and neighbours with a passion for politics and contention .
17 The most frequently prescribed optical aids are microscopes and telescopes with a power of magnification ranging from 1× to 20× .
18 Our regulatory committees , and the JMU , have been reviewing and refining their processes and procedures with a view to making them more efficient , timely and cost-effective .
19 Mountbatten offered the British government two courses ; either there should be negotiations between Dutch and Indonesians with a view to bringing in a general ceasefire ( plan X ) or else punitive action against ‘ Known or suspected terrorists ’ ( plan Y ) .
20 Every morning and every afternoon after siestas , the children and young people were expected to greet their mothers , grandmothers and aunts with a kiss in the centre of the forehead .
21 Mr Robert Jackson , who is retiring as chairman of the Victorian History Society in the town , said a folk museum would complement The Bowes Museum while providing residents and tourists with a history of Barnard Castle .
22 His collection of drawings was also very fine and sheets with a provenance from his collection are usually of the highest calibre , both in quality and in the state of preservation .
23 conform to all instructions given by the client 's safety officer and others with a responsibility for health and safety .
24 This was charged with the task of exploring the possibility of a network of schools , teachers , library specialists and others with a concern for developing practice in relation to the use of libraries , study skills , active methods of learning , and whole-school and departmental " effective learning " policies ( notes from Working Party 3 March 1986 ) .
25 Cones tend to come in two shapes — some , either cardboard or plastic , with a pointed top and others with a gap of about one to one and a half inches at the top .
26 The answers and commentary given below are intended to provide Tutors with an insight into the way in which these questions and the approach underlying the design of the review questions and problems for discussion have been successfully used by the authors and others with a number of different groups of students .
27 After the Rayner Report in 1981 , we were party to discussions with Sir John Boreham , the then Head of the Government Statistical Service , and others with a view to setting up a National Statistics Council .
28 The dawn light showed a crowd of men and women with a pack of dogs running beside them .
29 The research involves mail questionnaires and interviews with a variety of individual and commercial fraud victims drawn from court , business and media sources , and examines the following questions : What is the impact of fraud upon victims , financially and emotionally ?
30 Tribunals should adopt a flexible procedure which facilitates the presentation of evidence and argument by claimants and representatives with a range of communication skills , some outstanding , some very limited .
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