Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] and [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First , take the legs and heave them up and over ; then grab the body by the arms or legs and drag it to the edge … no , that would n't be practicable , that way the killer would be moving backwards and be the first to fall .
2 The trick is to paint the walls the colour of the background of the paper , using a matt emulsion paint , then cut the paper into equal rectangles or squares and stick them on the walls in regularly spaced ‘ panels ’ .
3 It might also be prudent to make notes of any conversations which have a major bearing on your status or prospects and retain them in your job file .
4 Try to catch a dozen or so adult ladybirds or larvae and place them in your aphid cage .
5 Arrange them in lines or rectangles and fit them with spots or floods or downlights or a mixture , depending on your needs .
6 Make the invitations in the shape of a skull and crossbones and place them on the door instead of balloons .
7 To solve a problem the student must recall the relevant concepts and rules and combine them in a way that satisfies the principles of good practice .
8 Wash and chop the apples and raisins and put them in a plastic bucket with one crushed campden tablet .
9 In spite of the difficulties caused by the weather , Carrie produced a meal of baked rabbit , potatoes , swede and carrots and put it in front of Seb while the wind rattled the door and windows and an occasional gust seemed to shake the very house itself .
10 You can define a whole library of procedures and functions and include them in your programs .
11 If you do n't learn , at school they 'd give you detention and lines and punish you for not doing it , if you do n't do it at college it 'll be your mistake and your fault
12 The fourteen founders decided to work towards a text in collaboration with gallery owners and auctioneers and submit it to the French government , within the next few months if possible , in order for it to become law .
13 ‘ They want to charge you with all the murders and assaults and take you to court , day after tomorrow . ’
14 Alternatives are needed — players with flair who can outwit defences with jinking and sidesteps and cause plenty of confusion .
15 ‘ We will review the matter at that stage ’ he said , adding that ‘ henceforth Mr O'Reilly will conduct his business within the rules and regulations and acquaint himself with these regulations . ’
16 They 'd be sorry for me , they 'd give me whisky and aspirins and send me to a psychiatrist .
17 First we discard all the subjective labels and comments and replace them with objective descriptions of behaviour ( 3 ) .
18 Pot up the summer 's fuchsias and geraniums and store them in a frost-free position over winter .
19 They come in during the winter time , and take off their coats and sweaters and put them in the big dryer for a sixpenny warm-up .
20 We insist on an area of personal moral sovereignty within which each of us may prefer the interests of family and friends and devote himself to projects that are selfish , however grand .
21 Anderson ( 1971 , pp. 125–7 ) argues that the good wages which young people could earn in the cotton towns in the mid-nineteenth century altered the balance between parents and children and put them on more equal terms when they shared a household , and also made it more possible for them to leave the parental home — although boys did this more often than girls .
22 I went into the field and gathered autumn leaves and flowers and put them in jam jars around the cottage .
23 He will demonstrate techniques and approaches and help us with our questions as they arise .
24 During the winter months , servants would gather slabs of ice from ponds and rivers and deposit them in large quantities in the ice-house .
25 A Fish will indeed eat the newly-hatched tadpoles of frogs and newts and regard them as something of a delicacy .
26 A member reported that a circular had been issued by Mr Constable , a leading employer , " to boarding schools etc. , intimating his willingness to receive young men and women and educate them as compositors " .
27 Remove the yolks and place them in a dish with mayonnaise and onions and beat them with a fork .
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