Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] be [vb pp] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Among them , the WFS surveys verified that early marriages or unions are associated with premature childbearing and achievement of large families upon completion of the reproductive period .
2 Often quite different language and notations are needed with different groups ; it would be a very ambitious program that attempted to cope with this .
3 Often the earliest jars and vases were decorated with hatched incised triangles and spirals in relief , in much the same style as the cosmetic jars made in the Cyclades : probably the designs were copied from Cycladic models .
4 Then RAF pilots and crews were treated with new skin grafting ideas .
5 Far from being dry and insignificant facts , the questions of attributing particular pots to particular people and places are treated with real and infectious enthusiasm .
6 Schools and universities are told with increasing shrillness that they are failing in their duties , but there is no agreement about what those duties are .
7 Exam results are looked at closely , subject by subject , and comparisons are made with previous years and with neighbouring schools .
8 Standard bacon , sausage , tomato and eggs were garnished with fried potato scones , beans and buttered white sliced bread .
9 In the Third World in particular , but also in Europe , enormous attention is devoted to the socio-economic ‘ substructure ’ of society , and relations are cultivated with political actors across the whole spectrum of discontent .
10 The tips of the fingers and toes are equipped with sucker-like discs that help them to cling on , and the long tail is used as a balance and brake when leaping from branch to branch .
11 Pavements and gutters were filled with cold tapioca pudding .
12 Demands for change from examinations boards and advisers are accepted with philosophical resignation ’ ( p. 31 ) .
13 Her hands and arms are streaked with maroon paint , a clot of maroon hair flops over one eye .
14 The top and sides are sprinkled with toasted nuts and sesame seeds and it is finished with orange jelly slices and raspberry jam .
15 Prior to fixing this lid the inner joints , base and sides were caulked with swedish pitch , the base covered with a shallow layer of bran and sawdust over which the bottom sheet was tacked — alternatively a fitted buttoned mattress could be supplied — then the side lining and , possibly , a ruched or broderie anglaise frill ; finally the pillow and the shrouded body .
16 Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash .
17 Like the fire brigade there were lighter moments and dances were organised with great success and local support , at the Institute .
18 Cinnamon and cloves were mixed with ginger to flavour meat , biscuits , cakes , puddings , pickles and drinks such as wine .
19 Following the 1892 Corporation take-over , in 1894 car 4 and others were reconstructed with separate trucks , and in the same year the first of four large Palace cars , seating 82 , was delivered .
20 Although the kicks and punches are released with great intent , the actual strikes fall just short of the target areas .
21 Men and horses were decorated with green , yellow and red silks and shields covered with gold and silverwork ; and round the horses ' necks were hung the bloodstained cloaks and trophies of the men each rider had killed .
22 In the south of the Continent , piles of surplus peaches and tomatoes are bulldozed , and cauliflowers are mixed with cod-liver oil before being buried .
23 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
24 Lizards and geckos are equipped with sharp claws and gripping toe pads to help them cling on after making a crash landing on a tree .
25 Yet in the past decade more than 50,000 people have died in the fighting between the security forces , separatist Tamil guerrillas and a now-faded nationalist revolt ; and prominent politicians and soldiers are murdered with monotonous regularity .
26 Compulsory drug tests also take place at random and competitors are supplied with copious literature about what medication is and is not acceptable .
27 The plinths below the columns , the arch spandrels , friezes and entablatures were enriched with carved ornament and sculpture .
28 And you must notice in this new first smoker the seats and backs are fitted with embossed crimson leather .
29 This range of luxurious creams , gels and scents is made with natural organic extracts and vitamins to help stimulate circulation for fresh glowing skin .
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