Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , some individuals or groups in society will fail to forecast inflation correctly and so may , for example , seek money wage increases which are lower than necessary to maintain their real wages ; other individuals or groups may not have the power to gain full compensation for inflation even if they do predict it correctly .
2 As the data was applied to the design of each section , the various elements began magically to fit together ; most plants or animals would only fit a particular niche in the illustration .
3 As the Commission has pointed out , it is settled law that the mere fact that the competent authority is empowered to grant exemptions or derogations can not justify a national measure which is contrary to the E.E.C .
4 He hints that it would be wrong to ‘ persist in regarding knowledge as the certain and evident cognition of a thing , obtained through an acquaintance with its necessary cause , or by a proof ’ , for then ‘ knowledge through experience or appearances would not merit the name of knowledge ’ .
5 Cantors or animateurs could also have a place in those churches with a thriving musical tradition and they should not be regarded simply as emergency personnel .
6 LEFT A series of models or paintings can vividly portray the development and appearance of a site .
7 It must be pointed out in this connection that , as the court has consistently held , the mere fact that the competent authority is empowered to grant exemptions or dispensations can not justify a national measure which is contrary to the E.E.C .
8 Precisely because Stars & Stripes can not match the speed of Kanza and America , Conner 's designers have optimised her for a narrow light air band of 5–8 knots .
9 Most friends or neighbours will happily take a fishtank , caged bird , or animal for two weeks , providing you give them written instructions and all the feeding , bedding and any other necessities .
10 Formal defects in appointment or procedures will not invalidate a result ( 1983 Act , s.23(2) , 24(2) ) .
11 Retroviral vectors displaying nonviral proteins or peptides may also offer a vehicle for somatic gene therapy 6 .
12 Conversations or agreements may however leave the parties morally if not legally bound .
13 A statutory demand is not an insolvency proceeding within 13.7 , and therefore r 7.55 ( providing that defects or irregularities will not invalidate the proceeding ) does not apply .
14 But , nevertheless , the House of Lords held that a manufacturer who sold food or medicine or the like in containers of a nature that the distributor or ultimate purchasers or consumers could not discover the defect by inspection is under a legal duty to the ultimate purchaser or consumer to take reasonable care that the article is free from defect likely to cause injury to health .
15 The development of income raising schemes and projects will significantly increase the pressure of work on the Finance Section , even when linked directly to the Bank 's own Royline and while it is envisaged that the existing system should be able to meet requirements for the next four or five when replacement will be under consideration , additional staff will probably be required .
16 The development of income raising schemes and projects will significantly increase the pressure of work on the Finance Section , even when linked directly to the Bank 's own Royline and while it is envisaged that the existing system should be able to meet requirements for the next four or five years when replacement will be under consideration , additional staff will probably be required .
17 Even for practices which do n't have recognised experts on a particular issue , the pooling of in-house ideas , experience , knowledge and opinions will greatly enhance every participant 's skills and competencies .
18 Pilger , as editor in chief , would have ‘ overall editorial control ’ , and his vision , ideas and contacts would essentially create the paper .
19 And shareholders should not underestimate the determination of the Jaguar management to preserve its independence .
20 The German SPD ( guided by Engels ' acknowledged theoretical heir Karl Kautsky ) judged that although the liberal democratic state is a capitalist state , yet ‘ bourgeois ’ freedoms and institutions could still help a party mobilizing the new proletarian majority to oust capitalists from control of government via the ballot box .
21 The army 's impatient colonels and majors may yet overrule the more cautious generals and decide to have a go .
22 Finding a suitable registered childminder is probably the only option available to most of you as even the best nursery schools and crêches can seldom offer the kind of hours you are likely to need throughout school holiday periods .
23 WORDS and pictures can not describe the disaster that is unfolding in former Yugoslavia .
24 Crows , like the ones that hover round the summit of Buchaille Etive Mor , could fly in a pyramid formation and play the trumpet and walkers would still look the other way .
25 The skin was bad and boils would still stalk the neck and shoulders .
26 More attention to auditory and visual needs , and the provision of appropriate aids and adaptations can also make a great difference to quality of life and confidence .
27 And books ca n't feed the hunger of a soul in need of a larger sense of purpose .
28 In an interdependent world such problems and solutions will obviously have an impact on most financial markets and institutions ; this aspect is dealt with in later chapters .
29 Jack 's parents are now hoping his obsession with locks and keys will eventually open the door to a career which is both safe and secure .
30 Eating out or shopping on holiday in Hungary is a real pleasure and it 's nice to know that bringing home presents and souvenirs wo n't break the bank .
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