Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh adv] [adv] [pron] have been " in BNC.

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1 His listeners heard all the details of Oliver 's illegitimate birth , and how generously he had been treated as a workhouse orphan .
2 While I can only give an average guide , a lot will depend not on pullet cost , but on the quality of the pullet you purchase and how well it has been reared .
3 And how right she had been to lie !
4 And how quick it had been this time !
5 What I 'd like you to do , is to try and put into words , what the main problems are at the moment , when they occur , where they occur , and how long they 've been going on for ’ .
6 She tried to make allowances , constantly reminding herself of the responsibility Nathan was carrying and how long he had been without sleep .
7 He wondered how she had come there , and how long she had been there , and what her voice would be like , and a thousand other ridiculous things , whilst she breathed in and out , ruffling the gold threads of hair .
8 Whilst pondering on the history of the town and how often it had been conquered and invaded , he struck upon the idea of fashioning a wonderful head of brass that could speak and was omniscient .
9 He wondered if they had been primed to talk to him , and how far they had been told they could go .
10 She had been right in her suspicion that David 's return had been something to do with a woman , but how wrong she had been over the reason .
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