Example sentences of "[coord] [ex0] be [noun] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well the surface weather observer will take temperature , pressure , humidity , erm the wind speed and direction , he will study visibility , he will see whether it 's raining or there are showers in his vicinity , erm study the amount of cloud , the type of cloud above him as he can see it , erm all these details will feed in onto a routine hourly observation .
2 they just scoop it in a bag and there 's loads in it , probably make loads of dumplings with it it 's got the flour and suet with it , you just mix it up
3 He grins in recollection and there 's mischief in his eyes .
4 And there 's money in it .
5 My beard is black and there 's soot in my .
6 The extent of nectar production is apparently associated with pollinator size and there is variation in its sugar content and dilution .
7 ‘ He 's a winner and there is aggression in his game , but he 's now a more mature player who tries to keep out of trouble . ’
8 Text for today : We shall undo those things which we ought not to have done , and there is health in us .
9 And there are senses in which this music can be seen as representing wider experiences , of workers particularly , within twentieth-century capitalist society .
10 There are difficult conditions in which it is possible to race honourably ; there are absurd conditions in which one may race honourably if slowly ; and there are conditions in which it is impossible to race .
11 Mr Peter Preston , editor of the Guardian , yesterday said : ‘ This has been a long time coming and there are things in it like the enhanced role for proprietors that I 'm not very keen on , ’ he said .
12 President Jose Sulaiman said : ‘ We know a single drop of blood can transport the virus , and there are fights in which there is a lot of blood . ’
13 ‘ It 's always rather difficult to know quite what they are looking for at ACCM and there are fashions in what is acceptable and what not .
14 However , this need not be the case , and there are situations in which a spread with a different number of contracts in each leg may be preferable .
15 And there are flowers in their hair and loose yellow flowers strewn about under their bare feet on the ground .
16 Scientists in the past , however , experienced difficulty ( and there are contexts in which they still do ) when experimental criteria failed to discriminate decisively between two or more theories .
17 They are beyond the visible spectrum but we do not have to make our observations with the naked eye and there are ways in which y-rays can be detected to form an image pattern .
18 I have watched Nigel on video , and there are flaws in his attack .
19 Well there were a boat lost yes and there were women in it mind and that and bairns .
20 By late summer , the nousts and the sheds had been mended in Orkney , and there were keels in them , waiting for the harvest to finish .
21 Miss Phoebe 's pitted cheeks were quite pink and there were tears in her eyes .
22 ‘ Oh , ’ she said , ‘ I see that for all your fine words you are much like the rest , ’ and there were tears in her eyes when she turned away from him .
23 They stung , as they were meant to , and there were tears in her eyes when he roughly turned her over .
24 The Ridgery was clay on chalk ; heavy land difficult to work where it sloped gently towards the east : in the winter it lay sodden and cold , in summer it dried as hard as brick and there were cracks in it .
25 Carrie 's hand dropped away from his arm and there was relief in her voice when she said , ‘ I saw you leaving and was worried about you . ’
26 She was still breathless and there was air in her words .
27 He filled up the doorway with his uneasy bulk and there was defiance in his eyes .
28 He looked happier than I had seen him for weeks and there was colour in his cheeks .
29 But his face was full and there was colour in his cheeks .
30 His hands and feet seemed to be constantly moving in almost impossibly splendiferous patterns , his eyes shone like June blackberries and there was music in his voice which seemed to roll up in great hopeful waves from deep in his abdomen .
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