Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] [pers pn] [verb] [that] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Nor must you imagine that all innovations will be fruitful .
2 Nor should you think that this is a slice of ‘ heritage ’ , or a statement of pride in cultural or racial roots : some of these pieces are traditional , but this music 's still developing .
3 Nor would it appear that these awful prophecies from her Majesty 's Chief Inspector were calculated to depress the spirits of the royal household .
4 And may I suggest that this is precisely the kind of overheated sensational attitude I would most strongly deplore .
5 Would my honourable friend , is my honourable friend aware that employment in London and the South East has actually risen by over two hundred in the ten years from March nineteen eighty three and will she confirm that some of the hundred and fifty thousand places in the new apprenticeship scheme will be available in London ?
6 But would you accept that such discriminatory rules and regulations operate to this country 's clear disadvantage ? ’
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