Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] [pron] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Is professional money advice still a subject creditors can afford to ignore , or should we not be moving towards full recognition and co-operation and all its implications ?
2 Should we , or should they just be rounded up and locked up ?
3 Can it be farmed intensively or should it only be reared extensively ?
4 Or might we still be awaiting the development of personal computers by some Japanese company ?
5 Or might he just be tempted to make one last attempt to lead the Labour party across the river ?
6 Or could it also be to do with conflicting concepts of femininity , both competing in the specific historical arena of élite European culture ?
7 2 Is the product or sample small enough to slip between the pages of the magazine or can it easily be attached to the front cover ?
8 He considered the focus of the controversy to be the juridical effects of a stipulation made in favour of a third party , which he deconstructed into three questions : can a third party claim directly any such benefit or can it only be claimed through the auspices of a State party ; may the parties to the agreement amend or abolish the stipulation without the consent of the third party ; and need the third party accept the stipulation in order to be vested with the benefit in question ? 120
9 Does God 's making of himself known have any abiding content which can be articulated , or can it merely be pointed to and fleetingly glimpsed , but not retained ?
10 However , as a practical scheme this is infeasible , since consumers have no direct incentive to reveal their benefit schedules , nor can they easily be encouraged to do so ( Green and Laffont , 1979 ) .
11 Housewives can not be accused of ‘ doing nothing all day ’ ; nor can it legitimately be said that their only ‘ work ’ is ‘ creative ’ and thus intrinsically pleasurable .
12 It seems that the situation we are witnessing is neither the effect of a biological underpinning of sex roles , nor can it simply be seen as the persistence of institutional inequalities .
13 A gesture can not be regarded as the expression of an individual , as his or her creation ( because no individual is capable of creating a fully original gesture , belonging to nobody else ) , nor can it even be regarded as that person 's instrument ; on the contrary , it is gestures that use us as their instruments , as their bearers and incarnations .
14 Surely these workers are provided with Health and Safety equipment and should they not be made to wear them by someone in authority ?
15 And might they even be combined in one person ? — is an " artistic Socrates " a possibility ?
16 And will I then be left with a pondful of blanket weed ?
17 And will he then be rewarded for failure , like all the others , by being given a huge job in the City ? — .
18 And there was no reason to think the same would n't happen to her now … but must she really be overcome like that , so helplessly ?
19 But could we please be told just a little bit more about Compus course , er run by Horizon , that 's mentioned in the last paragraph , erm on the , on green one , it 's on the first page .
20 Yes but could they not be brainwashed if you like into thinking well there 's nothing much wrong there is n't such a thing as evil
21 It would note be surprising if they were enjoying themselves because everyone likes puzzles that are pitched at the right level ; but could they also be soaking in such GCSE-endangered basics as valency , formula , and molecular weight ?
22 But could it not be argued that the RSPCA , and others who carry out such a praiseworthy activity , are interfering with the natural selection process ?
23 I always thought the dropping of litter showed a lack of environmental relationship awareness , but could it also be linked with the " defacing " thing in that cities , streets with paving-slabs etc. are sensed by the human as too perfect and devoid of the texturous imperfections that make up the multi-levelled human life experience ?
24 But would we not be calling
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