Example sentences of "[coord] [be] [adv] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dealers are confident that the market has stabilised or is even on the up-turn .
2 They probably have three riders on call in case one goes sick or gets delayed or is already on a job but I 'll bet they never deal with more than two companies at a time .
3 When she visited the hostels and goodwill centres or was out on the soup run distributing food and blankets to the homeless on the streets of London , the caring side of her nature came fully into play : " I think something of my mother came back into me . "
4 Wildebeest ( discussed on p. 102 below ) inhabit the plains of Africa , and are frequently on the move .
5 They are the first Aymara band to have anumber one in Bolivia and are currently on a world tour .
6 Before then Courtaulds had worked through agents , supplying fibre to customers such as Luserna , of Turin , who first bought viscose rayon in 1947 and are still on the company 's books .
7 It was already nearly six o'clock , and I would n't be able to find a one-hour photo lab open anywhere that evening ; and I had to return to the Sheraton to collect my bag , and be back on the train by seven-thirty or soon after .
8 While the splendid John Devereux improved his chances of being named in today 's Great Britain touring squad to Australia , with a fine display from his old rugby union position of centre , they were without too many of their creative players to open a hard-tackling defence which absorbed the pressure and were always on the lookout for the counter-attack .
9 ‘ Some of my best friends in Britain worked for them and were suddenly on the end of fax machines .
10 The captains knew all the tricks though , and were constantly on the watch .
11 The handsome copper-haired major , 34 , is planning to leave the army and is now on the look-out for a new job .
12 She has been a member of the Bramshott and Liphook community Care Group since it started and is now on the executive committee .
13 This enchantingly dotty building has recently been restored and is now on the market .
14 Our screen was situated outside the office on a patch of grass , reached by the usual cinder path , and was right on the edge of the air field .
15 During take-offs and landings , some Flying Control personnel would occupy a caravan placed near the start of the runway being used , and they would fire green or red flares to let the aircraft know if they were cleared to land or take-off , and on this occasion one of the men was very quick off the mark , saw the crash and was immediately on the spot , helping the crew to get out of the burning aircraft .
16 He 's claimed that the drug he took was only for his asthma , and was NOT on the list of banned substances .
17 I had always been an erratic binge eater and was forever on a diet without losing weight due to bingeing/starving/vomiting .
18 He was determined to let the clan see they 'd made no mistake in choosing him , and was off on a round of visits to all the main families , to impress them with his strength and intelligence , good sense and good humour .
19 He had a passionate concern for the welfare of football in general , and was always on the lookout for ways to make it more efficient , more attractive and more popular , although naturally he wanted Arsenal to be in the forefront .
20 As a member of the National Association of Young Cricketers Executive Committee , he arranged the Esso sponsorship of the NAYC Oxford and Cambridge Festivals virtually on his own and was always on the lookout for promising young players .
21 Friends and neighbours saw a conscientious and hard-working mother who never seemed to sit down , and was always on the go , and kept herself to herself .
22 Soon with the sunshine totally predominating I took my leave of this attractive island and was back on the Twin Otter en route for Barra .
23 When the driver spotted the mother and the boy on the tracks , the mother had actually already reached the other side , but the little boy had fallen behind his mother and was still on the tracks .
24 Lola went through an abortion , she moved out of home and was constantly on the run from the cops .
25 According to gallery director Yuri Korelev , state construction finance was significantly reduced in 1989 and was constantly on the verge of being cut off altogether .
26 The Soviet Union had beaten Romania this autumn but were often on the back foot against players mainly culled from junior clubs .
27 BSB has its satellite in space but is not on the air , and Murdoch laid claim yesterday to reaching only 509,000 households in Britain .
28 Just before half-time City came back with a goal from Ian Baird it was well made and well taken … food for thought for the United defence and of course Smith who started off in the directors box but was down on the touchline after this incident in which David Penney charged into Junior Bent …
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