Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] they would [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is difficult to say if this is desirable from the residents ' point of view , or whether they would prefer to live in a mixed group of people with differing levels of disability ; when asked , most patients express a preference for being with others who do not have behavioural problems .
2 The question is whether the eleven member states could amend the existing legislation or whether they would have to adopt a parallel , but separate , legislation .
3 In the case of multiple bereavement the main issue would seem to be to try and recognize with the person how many griefs they experience and where they would want to start talking about them , rather than launch into where we think they should begin .
4 All knew that they would have to pass through what has been described as a maelstrom , and that they would have to rely on the seamanship of their coxswain to reach the relative safety of open water ; there would be no second chance in conditions which were described as the worst in living memory . ’
5 Namely , he will be inviting your Lordship to er look at whether or not the business the plaintiff 's would have failed in any event er because it is the defendants case relying er extensively upon the opinion of their expert Mr er that even if the plaintiffs had had the finances which were originally anticipated and had completed the deal in accordance with that , the probabilities are that this business would have failed in any event and that they would have incurred the losses they did er so I anticipate there is going to be a dispute between us as to the basis in which your Lordship is to determine compensation in this case .
6 On the return journey , the boys were apparently challenged by the ticket collector on the train , who explained that the receipt was not a valid ticket , and that they would have to pay the full fare .
7 Kaifu told the Diet on Sept. 24 , however , that his proposals were compatible with the Constitution and that they would help to bolster stability in the region .
8 The Commissioner feels that trade union members sometimes find it difficult to accept her limited role and that they would like to see her resolve a wide range of problems .
9 It would n't have taken much brains to realise that Leeds would have a large number of travelling fans and that they would like to eat .
10 And so they would have done , but for the coming of Nicol .
11 ‘ Gazza has won the fans ' hearts and even if he had n't scored that late goal — and although they would have turned against the side — I do n't think would have turned against him .
12 But then he asks himself if people would have enjoyed the story any more had it been true , and if they would have achieved any greater insight into themselves and their destinies .
13 The question then would be how unions assessed the costs and benefits and whether they would want to pressure management to bear this cost in order that their members could enjoy the benefit of higher job satisfaction — possibly at the expense of their receiving lower wages .
14 We are also asking British museums whether they would like to host more exhibitions of Italian art and whether they would like to send more exhibitions of British art to Italy .
15 Then a signal for Stirling from Tactical HQ , Eighth Army , said that the RAF component there was unaware of the resupply operation , but that they would endeavour to arrange the aircraft .
16 But they , they 've got to start these younger people , although out there in there are a , a great number of ex-spoolers , but whether they would want to come back
17 He could perhaps have submitted himself to some army medical board , but whether they would have enthused over the application of a 48-year-old epileptic syphilitic with no military experience except that acquired while shooting wild-life in the desert
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