Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] he [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Marry , so there have been diverse good plots devised and wise counsels cast already about reformation of that realm , but they say it is the fatal destiny of that land that no purposes whatsoever are meant for her good will prosper or take good effect , which whether it proceed from the very genius of the soil , or the influence of the stars , or that Almighty God hath not yet appointed the time of her reformation , or that He reserveth her in this unquiet state still , for some secret scourge which shall by her come unto England , it is hard to be known but yet much to be feared .
2 And does he love you as you are , or as he wants you to be ?
3 He had developed a terrible memory for who he drove and where he drove them to .
4 Then say this one should recover his losses , and that he owes it to himself to let us at least do that for him .
5 He built his dragons a garden , the most beautiful garden in the world , and although he surrounded it with an iron wall which he believed they would not cross , he made the wall beautiful for them , lavish with filigree work and sweet with hanging plants .
6 ‘ But he 's very clever at getting out of it — and if he manages it without one of us noticing he inflicts the most terrible injuries on himself .
7 The GP is the one who is very likely to know his patient well and if he finds him with chest pain of at least 15 or 30 minutes duration in the classic distribution , with no previous complaints , and obviously not a malingerer , that individual should have thrombolysis as rapidly as possible .
8 So much so , that the foreman he sees it and and he commends her to , to Boaz his boss
9 Because Nick is ju erm is young and because he associates him with all these dangerous ideas , in genetic engineering and so on , he feels threatened by him .
10 He had picked her up half-conscious , and while he carried her to the hospital she had clung to him with a pitiful force .
11 ‘ She met some guy in there that day , some guy she used to go with , and he must 've said something because the next thing anyone knew , she was screaming at him , Pete was in the bar the morning after , he said the window was all over the floor , apparently she 'd thrown an ashtray at the guy and it had missed and taken the whole window out instead , and when he took her by the arm and tried to calm her down , she shook him off and ran out of the bar , right out in the street , and like I said , it was the bottom of a hill and there was a truck coming — ‘
12 I mean , it was a windy day as well and I do n't think that helped because the wind was sort of blowing into the mike but er and when he took it to college there was this noise all the time , he must have had it clipped under here somewhere !
13 It was hanging on the wall , and when he applied it to the p'tar 's rump the beast screamed once , as if outraged , and then it trotted sedately out of the stall and allowed itself to be backed between the shafts of the cart .
14 Close to , she discovered , Pete smelled of carbolic soap , a dreadful turn-off , and when he kissed her in the dark it was so wet and sloppy she longed only to search for her handkerchief and wipe her mouth dry .
15 Not many women reach her years and have as much — for everything he can imagine her wanting he hastens to provide ; and it is bestowed as if she were a young and lovely creature at her first ball , and when he helps her down the stairs or into a taxi — for she is getting frail — he turns her into Gloriana .
16 Mrs Cullam did n't even look at him and when he asked her at what time her husband had come home on Friday night she said laconically , ‘ Quarter past eleven . ’
17 Yet he had photographs of her in every jacket pocket , and they fell out of books at the wrong time and upset Eva ; and when he asked me about Mum , Dad and I had to go into another room , away from Eva , as if we were discussing something disgraceful .
18 All she knew was that Alain was there , holding her , kissing her , his caresses making her faint , and when he lifted her in his arms she curled against him , her lips trailing soft kisses against his strong neck .
19 The closest we get together is when we dance and when he slaps me on the arse and that 's about it .
20 She was aware of Mr Carson looking at her , and when he handed her into the carriage to sit beside Ruth she felt quite the lady .
21 He just leaned on me and when he caught me with a left hook I was given a standing count .
22 And when he smears it on his shirt . ’
23 ‘ And he tried to put his tongue in my mouth and when he pulled me in the doorway he — he unfastened the front of his trousers . ’
24 She giggled when his second attempt ended in the same way , and when he grasped her in a great bear hug , she was able to slip away as easily as if it were a child holding her .
25 His face was beaded with perspiration and as he wiped it with his handkerchief he dislodged a few locks of his heavily greased hair .
26 She reached up to kiss him , and as he held her to him he was aware of her slender nakedness beneath the ivory silk robe .
27 She 's with a boy our age — a toy boy — and though he deserts her for young girls and even beats her up — she 's such a sucker for punishment , she goes back for more .
28 Florence of Worcester [ q.v. ] says Canute sent Edward and his brother Edmund to the Swedish king to be killed , but that he passed them to Hungary , where Edmund died and Edward married Agatha , daughter of the brother of an Emperor Henry .
29 Fisheries Minister Jan Henry Olsen said a quota would be set after the meeting of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) in Kyoto in May but that he expected it to be in the range of a " few hundred " minke whales a year .
30 But although he aimed it at Nicholas , it fired into the air , for the boy knocked it sideways and held it .
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