Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] you [verb] [verb] your " in BNC.

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1 Or if you want to do your own thing you can use the centre simply as a guest house .
2 or if you want to improve your organisation , then keeping a time log is a good place to start .
3 If the vendors conclude that a purchase and sale transaction is not to be consummated with you , or if you decide to withdraw your interest , you will upon request immediately return to KPMG Peat Marwick all copies of the Information Memorandum and all Copy Information in your possession or in the possession of your Representatives , and you will destroy all copies of any computer software analysis , compilations , studies or other documents or records prepared by you or your Representatives for your internal use which are based in whole or in part on the Information without retaining any copies or notes thereof or extracts therefrom .
4 If you have any questions about what is involved or whether you qualify ask your nearest Citizen 's Advice Bureau , Sheriff Clerk 's Office ( at the Sheriff Court ) or the Court of Session , Divorce Section ( SP ) , Parliament House , Edinburgh EH1 1 RQ ( Tel. 031 225 2595 Ext. 316 ) .
5 Was that before or after you 'd had your chat ? ’
6 ‘ I would say to every ambitious and able young man who is choosing to make his career in industry : first , you must realise that the way to the top is something which has to be worked out with your employer , and although you have to fight your way up in the face of keen competition your employer is not one of your competitors but is just as keen that you should reach the top as you are .
7 And once you 'd made your decision , you dug your feet in and nothing would make you change your mind .
8 And once you 've got your Steamatic all set up outside , you can always steam into the greenhouse or the conservatory to remove any mould that has accumulated and clean the glass too .
9 And if you intend to compose your own poems , limericks or verses , a songwriter 's rhyming dictionary would be invaluable .
10 and if you have made your way
11 Most good modern furniture is expensive and if you have set your heart on a piece you ca n't afford it is better to improvise for the moment .
12 And after you 've sent your signal to Athens and I 've composed a suitably stirring message to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington . ’
13 And when you 'd got your centre filled in , you used to start again , , one in the corner , one the other corner , one between the eyes , one in the middle and back again .
14 And when you 've done your duty , come 'ome , Jim Edwards . "
15 And when you 've made your choice , we 'll deliver your new machine and connect it to a suitable service point — completely free of charge and within 24 hours .
16 And when you 've had your tetanus
17 So you have a wash , and when you 've had your wash you do a bit of your clothes washing , like your knickers and bra , then you tidy up your cell .
18 No , I think the thing is , is once you , this is gon na sound awful , but once you 've done your time and you know as much or more , then you 're E O then you 're gon na be left alone to get on with your job .
19 Many paddling pools can also be used as sandpits , but once you 've filled your pool with sand , you 're unlikely to want to take all out again to make it into a paddling pool for the afternoon .
20 A mistake spotted now can be rectified on the polyester film , but once you have committed your design to the board , it could be difficult or impossible to effect any corrections .
21 I think your doctor is right when he says that you need time to get over the loss of your dad and your friend , and it is only right and natural that you should think of them a lot , but if you try to turn your thoughts to good and happy memories of them that will be the best way of honouring them , and will help you , too .
22 But if you 've got your own boat and you 're not allergic to work , you can pick and choose .
23 You have n't told me your age but if you 've had your menopause the itching could simply be caused by atrophic changes ( drying and shrinking ) due to lack of oestrogen .
24 It 's difficult enough to manage for yourself when you first leave home , but if you 've spent your childhood in an institution , you probably do n't even know how to change a light bulb , let alone keep a rent book .
25 You can sometimes buy wooden or plastic warri sets , but if you want to make your own from ordinary egg-boxes — read on !
26 But if you want to develop your talents further , get involved in a group effort .
27 But if you wanted to take your revenge and kill me , because of some ancient grudge against somebody who 's been dust for 200 years , then why did n't you just do it last night at my house ?
28 Very small last minute adjustments to spacing may become necessary , but if you have tailored your item to fit the plan then you are reasonably safe .
29 Judged on the rider , not the horse , but if you have schooled your horse properly , your riding will look better anyway .
30 But unless you want to spend your time and money on litigation against surveyors , building societies , estate agents and solicitors , with no guarantee of success in the end , you need to become as competent as you possibly can in carrying out your own surveys , even if it is simply to check that the ‘ expert ’ has n't missed anything .
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