Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] they [vb past] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
2 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
3 If fusion was at work , then something catalysed it , and until they knew precisely what the ‘ something ’ was they would have to try all combinations .
4 They waited for the priest to pass along with the thin wafer of bread and while they did so their hands were like this , cupped and raised in a gesture that might be offering or receiving .
5 Nor was she surprised when Silas lapsed into silence during the remainder of the journey , and when they reached home she hastened to her room , where tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks .
6 She saw him from fifty yards away , coming towards her ; then he spotted her and when they came together he was smiling and had a hand outstretched with which he took her elbow .
7 Well I 'm telling you they stuck it they had a sort of flat bottomed cart and they used to stick it in and when they came there they , they lifted it off and stuck it in the ground and it was just similar to that only it was hooped
8 They walked out to his car together in a contented silence , and when they got there he came round to the passenger side to hold back the low tendrils of an overhanging jasmine vine so she could slide easily into the seat .
9 Together they would go to the Tivoli and Grand Theatres in Manchester , and when they got home he would get her to imitate the dances she had seen .
10 And when they fished there they would inevitably lose tackle , and it would stay in the lake forming a hazard for the ducks and swans .
11 The Fitzgerald family went together to early Mass and as they walked home everything seemed normal .
12 This cost them the lead , and though they recovered well they could n't stop a second Risley boat , crewed by husband and wife team and , slipping through to take the chequered flag after five circuits .
13 The aim was to toss bombs into them as they drove past , but when they got there they discovered that the sentries were being changed .
14 Faye said nothing more about it , but when they got home she announced that she would take her blood-sugar level and evening insulin dose in her room and then lie down on her bed until dinner .
15 But as they came closer she drew her sandalwood fan and waved it impatiently , certain there must be a mistake .
16 At first they seemed so close together as to form an impassable barrier , but as they drew nearer it became clear that they were several yards apart .
17 I I appreciate that point Mr , but as they arrived separately they 've been given different numbers er a as simply er a matter of administrative convenience .
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