Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] they [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 However , a full investigation would be appropriate where the value of the target arises out of its properties or where they are important to the business ; where it would be time-consuming and difficult to find new premises ; and where damages for breach of warranty would be inadequate compensation .
2 Teenagers who consistently fail to let parents know when they will be home , or where they are likely to be , can not expect to be allowed to stay out to all hours .
3 Some requests or demands are reasonable and fair , but others certainly might not be so because they fail to take into account the child 's right to his/her needs and point of view , or because they are inappropriate to his/her level of development .
4 Whether they did so because they ought to or because they were obliged to , so long as employers treated employees only just well enough , there need be no struggle between them .
5 ‘ The enormity of the figures describing zero-point energy has led theorists to question from time to time whether these numbers should be taken seriously , or whether they are due to some defect or misinterpretation of the theory .
6 The council says the redevelopment is an historic opportunity for the city , and that they 're right to be optimistic .
7 These I think are self-evident ; that you can make these measurements and that they are relevant to assessing the welfare of the animal .
8 A genuine case for abolition , if it is so based , needs to establish both that the alleged abuses are as stated and that they are endemic to the practice ; thus unavoidable .
9 The reality that there are rights of ownership and that they are liable to , and do , conflict with those of labour can not be exorcised by pretending that they are not there ; and it is the exclusion of the public sector from the Committee 's purview which admits that reality .
10 They must be made to understand that they are not above the law and that they are answerable to the people who elected them and whom they are supposed to represent .
11 Experimental studies have also demonstrated that young babies can separate a continuous stream of speech sounds into discrete phonetic units and that they are sensitive to phonemic changes — for example , the difference between/p/ and/d/ — only a few weeks after birth ( Eimas et al .
12 We can , we can badger our MPs and erm until they do and , and because they are oblivious to a lot of things that are going on in their own , you know till we put it in front of them .
13 Decide on your herbs , and then find out what kind of soil they need — moist , heavy and deep , or dry , well-drained and short of plant food ; also whether they do best in sun or a little shade , with shelter , or exposed to some wind , and whether they are immune to cold , or need cosseting and protection .
14 The girls are required to plan their own day , and when they are used to this system , most prefer it to the structure of school and it gives them some control over their daily lives .
15 Thus , the results are very impressive : there is obviously a regular pattern in them , and as they are accountable to observed data , they are much more persuasive than categorical statements about language that are made on the basis of introspection alone .
16 And though they are close to the vertical much of the way , they are thick with a stubbornly adhesive growth of trees and bushes , as well as , on the lower reaches , with the most exuberant coating of mosses you could ever hope to sec .
17 But where they are subject to decay or vandalism , they are sometimes set up as finds for display in museums .
18 The most common criticism of the arts and the most strongly expressed , however , was that they are ‘ useless ’ , that is not so much that they are useless to society , but that they are useless to the individual .
19 The nasals and laterals are also naturally frictionless , but if they are subject to devoicing , slight friction may occur .
20 Depends on the job does n't it , how much they 're using , but if they 're supposed to be using regularly , surely one person .
21 But if they were supposed to be keeping up the fiction about being happily married — a second honeymoon , indeed ! — then it was going to look a bit odd , if not downright peculiar , if he did n't spend his nights here in the cottage .
22 Patterns are not practised merely because they exist , but because they are relevant to the learner 's needs .
23 But because they are supposed to be utterly other and not-us — the barbarians outside the city — and because we the powerful can not imagine the situation of being the victims of such a war , this normality is perceived as incomprehensible .
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