Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] he be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He does n't now , whether they 've been a super star for a long time or if he 's never heard of them .
2 They will not tell you whether a child is going to be a good citizen , when he 's nice to know or whether he 's well motivated .
3 I 'm not sure he 's an American or whether he was recently severed from his spouse .
4 and myself or as he was better known , came through B Seventeen Transition School at in Florida together and where the crews were formed so that the names in the Army of course are worked alphabetically , so everybody on my crew is trained with everybody on crew and their last name is just ahead erm in the alphabetic in the class that they were in , so that my navigator came from the same school , the same navigation class as .
5 ‘ Resolved that in consequence of the report of the Committee last mentioned and the charges now exhibited against the said Secretary — this meeting is of the opinion that his conduct has been highly injurious to the Interests of the College and that he be immediately dismissed . ’
6 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
7 ‘ Critics have found me narrow , implies that his reputation is already controversial , a truth of which he was justly proud , and it is a provocation aptly calculated to make one read on ; and to claim that the only way to escape misrepresentation is to say nothing implies that something momentous is about to be said , that it is his habit and custom to do so , and that he is widely hated because he does .
8 The most common type of instrumental argument relies , as a reason for recognizing the validity of consent , on the facts that the agent has the best information to judge whether it is best to create the right or not and that he is sufficiently motivated to act for the best .
9 ‘ She 's delighted we 've got Place and that he 's really banged up .
10 It was immaterial to her that he was coarse and brutish , that he kept an illegal tavern , that he was invariably drunk , and that he was eventually imprisoned for manslaughter .
11 All the early evidence of the Church is unanimous in saying that Mark is the author of the Gospel and that he was closely connected with Peter .
12 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
13 ‘ He said he was going softly and that he was much hampered by having Trueman replaced by the Commander . ’
14 But she had to admit that , realistically , he probably meant that she annoyed him beyond measure and that he was hard put to it to treat her civilly .
15 The character Tamburlaine dominates throughout this tragedy , and although he is rarely challenged , it is interesting to see the stark contrast between his character and those he is surrounded by .
16 and although he 's well trained and they exercise him .
17 He suspects that a black mark went firmly down against his name for turning down the job and when he was later asked to become personnel manager for that division of ICI he was left in no doubt that it was an offer he should not refuse .
18 The evidence against Sukarno was flimsy and when he was eventually sentenced to four years ' imprisonment in December 1930 one eminent Dutch professor , J.M.J. Schepper , condemned the verdict as violating the great Dutch legal tradition .
19 And when he was nearly killed when he crashed his car on a motorway he had a Brahms symphony on his radio , which he now uses as his theme tune .
20 A chap may think he 's in control of himself but if he 's really attracted to a girl , it 's not so easy to stop at … well , just kissing . ’
21 Getting him to hospital is something I dread you would n't believe the struggle to get people to understand how bad it is — it 's usually building up for weeks but until he 's practically killed himself or someone else , no one wants to know .
22 Cheltenham College has still to decide what to do about Heenan 's memorial , but because he was never tried , technically he died an innocent man .
23 He found the wording offensive enough , but when he was later informed that the composition was that of a witch his anger boiled over .
24 But when he was once asked what was the most dangerous thing he had ever done he said : ‘ Disagreed with my wife . ’
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