Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] it [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In either case , an unauthorised practitioner will have committed a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act , and pleading that he did it only once or that it happened by accident is not going to impress anyone .
2 This means either that the utterance of [ 14a ] was not a case of genuine communication or that it did in fact achieve relevance .
3 The belief that self-validation was not an ideal system and that it prevailed in universities for historical reasons only .
4 Wherever we see an ancient town church without a churchyard , we may well suspect that the town is the daughter of some mother village near by — now completely overshadowed by its offspring — and that it came into existence at a comparatively late date , since the Norman Conquest anyway , and most probably in the twelfth or thirteenth century .
5 She knew it was a modern world and that it happened to people all the time and that it was n't such a big deal — medically or culturally .
6 ‘ there must be something in the nature of a criminal intent of the kind which means that it is done with the idea of some form of hostility to the police with the intention of seeing that what is done is to obstruct , and that it is not enough merely to show that he intended to do what he did and that it did in fact have the result of the police being obstructed . ’
7 The talks had been postponed in February because the government claimed that the CNGSB had not defined its position , that its delegation contained no leaders " with full powers to commit all parties " , and that it persisted with attacks on oil installations and townships .
8 It is true that liberalism could not back a jacquerie and that it preferred to paternalism the teaching of political economy in schools .
9 And if it came to court she would make a plea that he be given the care of his daughter until she became of age .
10 The first person has to start skipping in the middle and everybody says H P W R and if it landed on P the next person would have to skip fast .
11 I cried over that old letter , that fragment of academe , because it said in part what I had wanted , then wanted and still want to say to you and only to you , and because it expressed in part some of the physical ache and fear and disappointment I had felt , then felt and still ( in an increased measure ) feel .
12 Despite joint ventures in Europe with Philips and Olivetti , and in Spain , AT&T did not successfully achieve the same status as the existing ‘ foreign legion ’ telecoms equipment suppliers ; Siemens of Germany and Ericsson continued their traditional success as equipment suppliers in many countries , and ITT largely held on to its foreign markets both under its US ownership and when it came under majority French ( Alcatel ) control in 1986 .
13 His natural musical imagination silenced any lingering doubts , and when it came to music expressly written for the instrument — a brilliant showpiece sonata by the American , Paul Creston ; a new work commissioned from the young Irishman , Kevin O'Connell ; and Dave Heath 's vigorous fantasy , Rumania — McChrystal could not have been more persuasive , brilliantly supported by his accompanist , Kathryn Lenahan .
14 He switched on the refrigeration unit , and as it shivered into life the counter lights came on under the glass .
15 Bob Rafelson had been toiling with Nicholson 's friend and associate Carol Eastman on a script for a new film and as it came towards completion , they began to see it as a perfect vehicle for BBS to capitalize on its success with Easy Rider .
16 Public prosecutor Andrei Makarov declared afterwards that it had been significant " not so much because it punished Ostashvili , but because it brought to light the forces standing behind this small figure and exposed the fascism which is growing in society " .
17 Therefore , to a degree , the ‘ social gospel ’ was criticized not because it called for political action but because it called into question Victorian cultural and economic truisms .
18 But when it came to Grunte , they disagreed .
19 bloke going on about nothing to them , you know they thoroughly enjoyed doing the songs and everything , but when it came to listening
20 But when it came to women , the Captain was a non-starter .
21 But when it came to sport New Zealand has always been turned in .
22 The GenTech labs could n't do anything about the common cold and no government had been able to develop a workable public transport system , but when it came to deathware , why , there were wonderful new toys on the market every fall , just in time for Christmas .
23 The performance was well received , but when it came to questions the students did n't forget the Union 's traditions of controversy .
24 But when it came to music , he was a perfectionist , never satisfied to rest on his fame , he once said ‘ when I give the perfect performance , then I will die ’ .
25 But when it got to lunchtime today it 's been quite .
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