Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these fungi , Phurmomyces for example , are known to occur only on or between the tarsal claws at the tips of the insect 's legs .
2 ‘ As I looked at the magnificent vehicle I could not help thinking of the historical ‘ Experiment ’ of the Stockton and Darlington Railway , or of the Exhibition excursions of 1851 , when the GW nailed rough boards across their permanent way trucks at Didcot to accommodate their third class passengers !
3 They were like astronauts landing on the moon and finding footprints in the dust , or like the mountain climbers in Jules Verne who , having at last reached the summit of what they take to be a virgin Himalayan peak , find a sign saying : M. Durand , Dentist , 14 rue Caumartin , Paris .
4 The owls were living in short grass plains and the pellets were collected from kopjes , which are small hills rising over the plains , or along the cliff edges of Olduvai gorge .
5 It was so pitifully easy for the customers : the temptation so hard to resist , to pick up a bar or two of chocolate from the counter , a packet of tea from the shelf , even a bag of flour , as my aunt came from behind the counter , passed through to the kitchen , down the steps into the old still-room to draw vinegar from the cask , or paraffin from the tank ( its pump rattling up-down , up-down ) , or across the yard for corn or toppings , or up the back stairs for some item kept on the little landing ; so that the shop began to make small profit or none at all .
6 Anyone interested in that idea , or in the turning systems for schools can contact him at The Croft , Brough , Thurso , Caithness , Scotland KW14 8YE , ( 0847 ) 85605 .
7 If you could measure the pressure of the water in the capillary tube or in the pore spaces of the cloth , you would find that it was below atmospheric pressure .
8 Hyde Project staff and guests entered into the spirit by dressing in period costume or in the project colours of red and white .
9 Very soon her competitors in their showrooms on the other side of Oxford Street or in the side streets off Bond Street knew that she was in trouble .
10 The WTA offered hiking , rambling or climbing holidays at home and abroad , centre-based holidays by the sea , mountains or in the tourist centres of Europe .
11 Whereas the diagnosis of early infectious syphilis can be made with a good degree of accuracy by identifying the treponeme with darkground examination of serum from a chancre or from the skin lesions of secondary infection , in latent or late syphilis , be it acquired or congenital , the diagnosis depends on the finding of antibodies to the infection in the blood .
12 A later section ( section 256 ) defines them as ‘ statements of standard accounting practice issued by such body or bodies as may be prescribed by regulations ’ and goes still further by empowering the Secretary of State to make grants , ‘ to or for the purposes of bodies concerned with ( a ) issuing accounting standards , ( b ) overseeing and directing the issuing of such standards or ( c ) investigating departures from such standards or from the accounting requirements of this Act and taking steps to secure compliance with them . ’
13 Generally , only one EEG channel is used in the sleep laboratory , but the other channels are used to record other sources of electrical activity , generated by movements of the eyes or from the neck muscles under the chin .
14 In terms of regional structural controls most of the auriferous deposits in the project area are spatially related to first-order faults and shear zones within the belt and along its margins ; to major anticlinal fold axial traces and limb shears ; or to the fracture envelopes around the major granitoid intrusions Follow-up geochemical field testing of soils for arsenic over selected targets outside the known gold mining districts was 60–70% successful in demonstrating that certain predicted structural settings would be mineralised .
15 Some schools had not related their spending sufficiently closely to the needs of the curriculum or to the reading levels of their pupils .
16 Programmes of study are offered leading to Diploma , to the Degree of Master of Urban and Regional Planning , or to the research degrees of MPhil and PhD of Heriot-Watt University .
17 At the time of Coburn 's first draft little was settled either on the casting front or on the design aspects of the Doctor 's space/time machine — key factors as they were greatly dependent on the size of the budget which would be allocated the show .
18 Courses may also be advertised in local jobcentres and public libraries or on the display boards of local employment agencies .
19 She was liable to propel into the governmental system men associated with business success , of whom Lord Young became the prototype from 1984 onwards She was truly a distinctive phenomenon , linked neither with the patrician values of the grandees in the shires , nor with the manufacturing Tories of northern England cherished by Disraelian Tory Democracy in the last century , nor again with the suburban Toryism dominant in the party in the interwar years and after 1951 .
20 These are the quantities with which physics deals and as the subject ventures into new regimes remote from common experience it must adjust its concepts to match whatever it finds there .
21 The South African Institute of Race Relations on Aug. 25 called for special measures to contain the township violence , and for the emergency powers to be given " in an impartial manner and without the excessive use of force " .
22 Black-figure continues in use long for slight work , and for the prize vases at the Panathenaic games it far outlasts red figure , going deep into the Hellenistic age ; but from the generation after the Pioneers all major vase painters work primarily in red-figure .
23 The French state , ‘ principal shareholder in Bull , has a particular responsibility for the future of Bull and for the employment consequences in different European countries ’ where the group operates , the letter said .
24 The automatic directions are to be found at RSC Ord 25 , r8 and for the county courts at CCR Ord 17 , r11 ( see Appendix 0 ) .
25 Once again the trade unions working individually and through the trade unions for Labour pulled out all the stops to try and secure a Labour victory .
26 Between these extremes there is a whole range of means which are employed to promote or resist political change : the reproduction of a dominant ideology , which Bourdieu and Passeron ( 1977 ) call ‘ symbolic violence ’ , and the elaboration and diffusion of counter-ideologies ; economic coercion of various kinds , exercised on both a national and international scale , by governments , large corporations and international agencies ( for example , through economic sanctions against particular countries , through the lending policies of such agencies as the International Monetary Fund , and through the investment policies of banks and multinational corporations ) ; protest movements , more or less peaceful demonstrations , and political strikes .
27 ( b ) Activities for school children Local authorities must provide appropriate care or supervised activities outside school hours and during the school holidays for children in need who are of school age ( s18(6) ) .
28 We had to take our own meals at all times , even when we had cups of tea we had to take to the station our own tea , sugar and milk , but there was always a large kettle during the winter months on a coal fire , and during the summer months on a gas ring .
29 Amelia now spends weekends at home with her parents and during the week boards at the Lord Mayor Treloar College in Hampshire , from where she was nominated to join Dreamflight .
30 This involves an awareness of the activities and requirements of the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education ( CATE ) and of the validation processes in higher education ( particularly , until its demise , of the Council for National Academic Awards ( CNAA ) ) which control courses of teacher education .
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