Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [vb -s] [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And that tells you the number you 've caught ?
2 ‘ Of his 16 goals this season , 11 have come from outside the box and that tells you the quality of the man .
3 Many Eurosport programmes are sponsored already , and by major companies such as Volvo , and that offers it an edge .
4 Say no more than that and that wins you a prize .
5 send the photograph and that gives me an idea whether it 's worth going to look at it at all .
6 And that gives them the right to try and maul me ? ’ she flared , unable to contain her hurt and anger .
7 These days we can do it much easier and we do it electrically , so we can use a relationship between conductivity which has to be er compensated for temperature and pressure at which you 're doing your readings , and that gives us a measure of our chlorinity and then that gives us a measure back to our salinity .
8 He 'll be a little less adventurous for a while , and that gives us an advantage . ’
9 ‘ Of course , there 's a way you can work around playing a minor blues in a major tuning — in open G , for instance , you just play the top three strings at the third fret and that gives you a B flat major chord that you can use as a G minor — but it still felt pretty limiting .
10 Okay , you just multiply the number of men , times the number of hours , and that gives you the man hours .
11 And that gives you the right to do dirty , perverted things , does it ? ’
12 I 've given you an A for participation B plus for written work and that gives you an average of B which is good or excellent .
13 The equation is represented as natural , and that gives it the force of commonsense .
14 Well it 's about fifteen quid and that leaves us the opportunity to get six or eight
15 Not because it 's the most versatile on the market , or necessarily the best-sounding , but it 's set to work perfectly with the Marshall tone on all channels and that makes it a winner .
16 What happens depends upon what both prisoners do , and neither knows what the other has done .
17 And each knows what the other is thinking .
18 And this gives you an outline of what we do .
19 As far as Kuwait is concerned we 'd like to see our country free again and this gives us the type of hope we have been wanting for the past six months , and I am sure for the people inside Kuwait — because I was there for about three weeks prior to the after the invasion I was there and I had to escape that country .
20 The change has meant that fund managers have , as John Harrison says , ‘ begun to realise that charities with their gross funds are rather like pension funds : they have an institutional nature with trustees involved and this makes them a fund management proposition ’ .
21 With the alleyways and dead ends its a burglars paradise .
22 RIGHT Dogs may be less enthusiastic to perform where they are on the leash but this gives you the opportunity to guide them to the appropriate spot .
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