Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [vb -s] to [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And that seems to me a very uncharacteristic thing for you to say , ’ Willoughby said firmly .
2 And that seems to me a fairly fundamental shift in the regional balance of argument and need .
3 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
4 We ca n't pay for that out of the general population in the City of Oxford , we 've got to take it out of the people who live in council houses and are paying rent and this seems to me a most iniquitous way of erm financing our people on how incomes .
5 To conclude , the play does give us the answers to the questions we demand from Hamlet , we understand the delay 's he makes in killing Claudius due to the nature of his thoughts , he is concerned with the future of his soul and this seems to me the central issue in Shakespeare 's Hamlet .
6 No doubt if their theses eventually appear they will contradict my oversimplified ideas on the matter , but this seems to me an ideal place to demonstrate " event stratigraphy " .
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