Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun sg] [vb -s] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Despite his growing involvement , he ca n't scratch her from the list and another murder casts her every action in chilling , ambiguous light .
2 His academic background in mechanical and electrical engineering gives him a sound grasp of a broad range of scientific disciplines .
3 Its truthful and intimate style gives us no reason for supposing that we are seeing anything other than Handel at home — his own comfortable and well worn chair , his own clothes and his own table .
4 What is needed is one named individual who is responsible for assessing that person 's total needs , deciding who should do what , coordinating the efforts of the various health professionals and for ensuring that , from the ‘ consumer 's ’ point of view , the various services are integrated and one hand knows what the other hand is doing .
5 Hurston 's blend of scepticism , humour and common sense makes her a reliable and radical commentator .
6 Initially there are eight permutations — individual peace and love of collecting stamps makes lack an introverted Boy , whereas social peace and erotic love makes what the Hippies meant by Peace and Love in the first place .
7 Sensible and necessary price increases none the less attracted a predictably irresponsible press reaction , with Conservative newspapers bearing anti-nationalisation headlines such as ‘ You own the electricity industry — AND UP GO THE PRICES ’ .
8 Now I know the old adage that the best way to discover this kind of information is to experiment , but this video offers you a series of starting points that will definitely save you a good amount of time in the long run .
9 But this organisation makes it a permanent pleasure for blind and partially sighted people . ’
10 ‘ It 's been so long I 've forgotten what 's it like , but this game gives me the chance to change that .
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