Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If your profession involves architecture , cartography or professional illustration in either the technical or science field then this will be £165 very well spent indeed .
2 In general , then , a number of geometries are possible ; as a result the most prominent surface structures may occur above or some distance to either the north or south of the subcropping basement thrust plane .
3 Sneezing is a reflex action to dislodge foreign particles or irritating material from inside the nasal passages .
4 The pity is that they are missing so much ; for instance , they will never know what it is like to fish a small stream , or any river except perhaps a sluggish canal-like one .
5 The Panel will not regard an adviser as independent if he is in the same group as the financial adviser to an offeror , or if he has a significant interest in or financial connection with either an offeror or the target company of such a kind as to create a conflict of interest ( Rule 3.3 ) .
6 ( b ) Only or main residence Relief from any liability to capital gains tax on any transfer should be available in most cases because the former matrimonial home will have been the only or main residence of both the husband and the wife .
7 Manor court rolls and deeds show that families possessed small parcels of land on a variety of copyhold , leasehold and freehold tenures and that income from even the smallest holdings was often set aside to provide for dependants .
8 This surplus revenue financed agricultural improvement and extensive rebuilding at both the local and central level .
9 The headteacher exercises the delegated authority with care and due respect for both the power and responsibility it entails .
10 Its vistas leave a warm and timeless imprint on even the most jaded memory .
11 For The Rite Of Spring celebrates the mythical and timeless regeneration of both the natural and the human world in a spirit far removed from the tranquil and ordinary daffodils immortalised by Wordsworth .
12 Unemployment was abolished , class struggle overcome , and the living standards and cultural level of even the most backward of the country 's peoples transformed out of all recognition .
13 Bethan Roberts sailed through adolescence and early adulthood with hardly a blemish to her name .
14 It may well be that a particular piece of research needs to focus on selected people for information , and the information gained from them will be fitted together into a coherent and consistent pattern with virtually no percentages and significance tests at all .
15 The Social Democratic Party considers it to be its positive and principal task to further the self-determination of the proletariat in each nationality rather than that of peoples or nations … it is only in isolated and exceptional cases that we can advance and actively support demands conducive to the establishment of a new class state .
16 The court hearing was taken up mainly by the formal reading out of the charges , and brief argument about when the trial should proceed in the Rand Supreme Court in Johannesburg .
17 It is a barren and featureless wasteland without even a tree to relieve the dreariness of the landscape .
18 It has 32Mb to 256Mb RAM , 239Gb hard disk , up to 2Gb internal capacity and optional slot for either a CD-ROM , DAT or 3.5 ’ floppy .
19 There was increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty and increased understanding of how the economy functioned .
20 The aims are to contribute to the theoretical and empirical understanding of how the Scottish economy works , to make projections of Scottish economy statistics for up to five years ahead , and to analyse the effects of government policies .
21 Germany also began during the first years of the twentieth century to make some patchy and sporadic provision of much the same kind for her trade interests abroad .
22 They bring us immediately up against the complex and fundamental issue of how the images we hold of later life and ageing are put together .
23 They have been suggested by people 's changing needs and growing understanding of how the gospel can be worked out in human society .
24 Therefore , to assume a sort of ( even internal ) scientific realism about the results of Lakoff and Johnson 's cognitive theory , to claim to have discovered truths about mind and language which give a special explanatory validity to the interpretation of King Lear , is to impose one view of linguistics , one view of science , and one view of how a literary text is to be interpreted on the text .
25 At the present time studies directed towards the educational product are being carried out , and long-term evaluation of both the introductory and advanced courses in information retrieval is in progress .
26 Few articles can have made such a great and immediate impact on both the theoretical and practical planes .
27 I have given only a very rough and general indication of how the model of teacher mediation I have presented and argued for in this chapter might itself be made operational .
28 In fact , at each stage of the criminal justice process , there are only a few cases which get both widespread and sustained coverage in both the national and local press .
29 It 's a larger-than-life , non-stop , 24 hour-a-day resort that has a brash sort of charm and enough action for even the most demanding of socialites .
30 By the 1980s , in the wake of the stagflation and slow growth in even the rich economies of the Western Europe , came an equally almost universal loss of faith in the capacity of any individual state to intervene decisively and effectively .
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