Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 and that actually came through this morning .
2 In relation to each other Fianna Fail , Fine Gael and Labour unusually happened in 1987 to be treated equitably : the number of first-preference votes per TD was 9,686 for Fianna Fail , 9,434 for Fine Gael , and 9,546 for Labour .
3 After 1945 democratic socialist parties in a number of West European countries were able , for the first time , to form governments or to become major partners in coalition governments , and thus impart a new direction to economic and social policy making ( and this also happened to some extent in other regions of the world , though encountering greater difficulties ) .
4 There is , of course , always a danger that , in industries with some monopoly power , an element of competition , far from being beneficial , will induce uneconomic cross-subsidisation to win business , and this certainly happened in some areas .
5 Six of them during their career were headmasters of great schools , and this never happened before 1829 , and was a sign of the rising importance which the nation gave to the teaching profession .
6 The most recent was in the early 1980s , during the first couple of years of the Thatcher government but that only lasted for 18 months .
7 But this also occurred with military and imperial funding of the electric telegraph and radio .
8 The area around and to the north of the capital , Mogadishu , was controlled by the United Somali Congress ( ‘ U.S.C. ’ ) ; but this soon split into two factions , one led by General Aidid and the other by Mr. Ali Mahdi Mohammed .
9 In January 1940 the requirement was for eleven cars , but this sometimes rose to fifteen , and a special siding was constructed at Rossall .
10 Children were especially vulnerable , but many also died in young or middle adulthood .
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