Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [verb] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cash coming into the company is entered on the left and that going out on the right .
2 Cash coming into the company is entered on the left and that going out on the right .
3 The dose received is also important ; and this depends largely on the amount of the particular radiation that reaches the Earth 's surface .
4 She blinked at Shiona and half sat up on the bed .
5 ‘ Obediently she did as he bade her , her gaze travelling round the empty room , seeing only the elegant lines of fitted furniture , the newly made bed , the bedside table with one large volume hanging open — and another fallen untidily on the floor beside it .
6 Better not get involved in that one ; instead , two offstage fielders were appointed and all went well on the night .
7 Bereft of the supernatural assistance previously offered by the Catholic priest and unwilling to rely solely on the petitionary prayers favoured by Protestants , they resorted to time-honoured magical charms and remedies to cure sickness , improve the weather , or ward off evil spirits .
8 Men who had been unsuccessful in the search for a day 's work drifted into the dining rooms to pass the time away and many sat there on the bench seats , grateful for the warmth and a friendly chat .
9 So he is caught between the two of them , embarrassed to welcome his guest and unable to say more on the phone .
10 Pendine Sands , stretching east from the village of Pendine , is six miles long and wonderful to walk along on a misty day — part of the sands are controlled by the Ministry of Defence though and access is restricted .
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