Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] was [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 As he said this , he noticed that Cowslip had joined them and that Strawberry was talking to him quietly .
2 He said that last year £30,000 worth of produce had been lost in similar incidents and urged the Prime Minister to give an assurance that he would approach the French government to ensure that the culprits were brought to justice and that compensation was paid to all the British firms which had lost cash .
3 Counsel 's advice was sought on 20 January 1989 and that advice was submitted to the Director on 10 February 1989 .
4 This complex pattern of social and political agitation was brought to a head by the outbreak of war between Russia and Japan ( January 1904–August 1905 ) .
5 According to Weber the city 's real social and political significance was limited to the particular historical circumstances of the mediaeval period .
6 In other words the numbers of private beds that we have in the county and fifty percent was related to S S A for the elderly .
7 They were taken in their little groups in the nestboxes in which they were born , and each box was attached to a cage on the prairie .
8 Economic conditions were described as deteriorating , and economic growth was expected to be only 1 per cent in 1992 ( compared with 2.25 per cent in 1991 ) .
9 farther east on the southern frontier , the wars against the Buryats caused great turmoil up to the end of the seventeenth century , when the back-and-forth migrations of Buryat and Mongol clans was brought to an end by the closing of the frontier between the Russian Empire and Chinese ‘ Outer Mongolia ’ .
10 Thus for official purposes the old reckoning of 25 March was used , but its employment for unofficial and private purposes was waning to the extent that many documents carried a double indicator for the period 1 January to 24 March , as was illustrated by the inventory quoted in the Historical Year section , above .
11 With the restoration of the monarchy and established church in 1660 , this doctrinal and liturgical Babel was brought to an abrupt end .
12 But when both TAP1 a and TAP2 a rat transporter genes were transfected into T2 cells , HLA-A2.1 and HLA-B5 expression was restored to levels two to three times higher than on T1 cells .
13 For those females who had concentrated on love affairs rather than their studies , graduating with low grades and low status was bound to be distressing , giving rise to depression and even thoughts of suicide .
14 On the front of the booklet was the picture of a white man giving instruction to blacks and inside prominence was given to missionary work , particularly that of the Baptist mission to the West Indies .
15 The subsequent interviews reinforced the view that the detail of the information base was too fine in its original form to be the basis of searching questions , and some summation was found to be necessary to avoid redundancy , or posing questions that could insult the intelligence of the interviewee .
16 Experience with Atlantean buses suggested that a driver could operate a double-deck vehicle , and this principle was applied to 761 .
17 The word ‘ mithra ’ was also used to describe a friend , and this god was thought to be a true friend of man , protecting and warming him in life and death .
18 Oskar Lafontaine , 46 , Minister President of Saarland since 1985 , was on Jan. 29 nominated by Hans-Jochen Vogel , the SPD chair , as SPD candidate for federal Chancellor , and this nomination was expected to be approved by a meeting of the SPD presidium in March .
19 And this information was fed to them .
20 Until the 1580s , Protestant propagandists were generally prepared to use illustrations to convey their message , and this device was used to particularly good effect by John Foxe in his Book of Martyrs .
21 We observed that the bacterially expressed RAP74 protein forms a tetrameric aggregate in solution , and this property was assigned to an internal region from 73 to 356 ( data not shown ) .
22 The passive is one such option in English ( cf. John gave me this book and This book was given to me by John , which are both unmarked ) .
23 In revolutionary France the Legislative Assembly set up in October 1791 a permanent diplomatic committee before which the foreign minister could be called to account ; and this process was pushed to its logical conclusion when in April 1794 the Convention abolished the ministry of foreign affairs and replaced it with a Commission of Foreign Relations subject to the Committee of Public Safety .
24 Following her arrival , she obtained a temporary job as a nurse in the Hospital of Hope , and this situation was destined to be of great use , not least to her future husband .
25 Many were shot early in the morning to take advantage of the soft , even light , and careful attention was paid to composition , aiming for a good focus of interest and a balance between foreground and background details .
26 it does n't say about contacting a solicitor , but er , er each er purchaser had a solicitor appointed and further information was provided to that solicitor
27 To test this , pigeons were kept in a loft , and olive oil was added to the wind blowing from the south , while turpentine was added to the wind blowing from the north .
28 The return of the Photon satellite on May 11 , 1989 , marked the completion of the first ( uncrewed ) commercial experiment on board a Soviet spacecraft ( the production of crystals and semi-conductors under micro-gravitation ) , and scientific equipment was returned to the French Centre for Space Research .
29 This conflict between tariff reformers and free traders was to lead to the ‘ agreement to differ ’ convention in January 1932 , and the resignation of the Liberals from the government in September 1932 ; but , until they resigned , the National Government was a genuine coalition in the sense in which that term is used on the continent : a government comprising independent yet conflicting elements allied together , a government within which party conflict was not superseded but rather contained — in short , a power-sharing government , albeit a seriously unbalanced one .
30 A Fishguard smuggler whose ship happened to be at anchor there opened fire with his single cannon , and another gun was dragged to the edge of the cliff and joined in .
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