Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But our to avoid that situation I left and went to work with which kept me in the Edinburgh branch and within three or four weeks I stood for the local organizer and had not been successful .
2 But erm because I 've been out there doing this and that 's that was part of my if you like to come in to do the recruitment side of it , er I had to experience and I 'm glad I did because there were one or two pre-judgements I had about advertising sales , as most people do , erm that I had to get wiped out of my erm my my system .
3 that and one or two things I took with me . .
4 The Warrington by-election was held in mid-July , and that night I went with Neil Kinnock and David Owen to BBC Television Centre to await the result .
5 Neither party seem too interested in the other , and that night I dream about Enoch Powell showing me around a slum street with a vile grin on his face .
6 And this bit I do before the lesson and I do this , clean it up afterwards .
7 And much more- I live in Telford — write now ! !
8 We held hands going to school every morning , Jimmy and I , and three times I stood on my head for him at Miss Annie 's to prove my love .
9 After a time the goat disappeared , and its place was taken by some hens , and these hens I looked after when , as quite often happened , their mistress went away for a few days .
10 Well it , it , at least it 's gold , I mean , I , I , I was in the jewellery trade when I first left school , between school and national service I worked at a manufacturing jewellers in Birmingham and I 've never really gone along with the idea that nine carat is actually gold .
11 And and many times I apologize for asking where various places are , because I just ca n't visualize Most of the other things from school come without being beckoned , er one thinks of er the economy , they taught about us about various things of the economy .
12 If you feel that you have quite enough on your plate with a small child , then the idea of going back to education may not appeal , and many mothers I talked to said they had no such plans at present .
13 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
14 And one day I said to her : ‘ Kirsty , I think you 're still taking the stuff . ’
15 And one day I came across this tiny cottage .
16 ‘ Harthover Place ’ is now a Field Studies Council Centre and one April I enroled for a ‘ spring birds ’ weekend .
17 And one situation I came across as a consequence of the N H S reforms , was nurses on a maternity ward undergoing a work study .
18 Would n't I like to curl up on the sofa ? — and mostly I enjoyed the sweaty heaving pleasures of the British Legion do , where the guests galumphed and the men got drunk and waved bottles around — and one thing I noticed through all the ranks of society , no matter what the background , or the income , or the form the party took , was that as the evening wore on women would begin to look pained and patient and longed to get home , but did n't like to say so for fear of being accused of ruining the evening 's fun .
19 alright just shut up a minute , I 'm talking to ya , so she said afterwards oh I says that was good were n't it could n't even switch the machine on and she said it does n't matter does it , she said it 's not what happens its the way you deal with it , and I made a joke of it and I said to him oh this is good i n't it ? relax you 're in safe hands I ca n't even switch the machine on , but anyway I did it in the end and he was alright , and he said thank you very much , that was , you were very good , you were very kind , cos it is frightening and one thing I said to him do n't hold your breath , because people think when their having an E C G they 've got ta hold their breath for some reason , just lie there take a deep breath and do n't breathe again but you 've never had one so you would n't no , I 'm just going to mix this up
20 Why have I decided to attack the fair sex ( that 's another joke when applied to some of the gross matrons and thin-lipped minxes I have in mind ) .
21 With Sam and four friends I marched towards our street .
22 The second and third weekend I get to the lake just before daybreak armed with a pair of binoculars and settle down for a couple of hours in a spot which gives me a good view of all , or most , of the water .
23 She 's hardly eaten a thing since she got here , and last night I went into the kitchen and found her looking terrible . ’
24 The first and last thing I look at every day is his picture .
25 He put a solicitor down , and last time I spoke with him I was defending him on a for fraud .
26 But this Christmas I know of one 11-year-old who has asked Santa for a copy of The Beatles ' Sergeant Pepper — and a mum who loves Techno .
27 Lazio doctor Claudio Bartolini , who was scared when Gazza was first injured , said yesterday : ‘ When I saw the accident again on TV I was very worried , but this morning I looked at it and now we are both very happy .
28 But this time I asked for Nurse Sally , the hyperactive Mrs Cody 's minder .
29 Mr Chapman said : ‘ I have usually got on well with newspaper proprietors , but this time I want to be in charge . ’
30 Thoreau wrote of an Eternal City of the West , and for long , I groped to understand what he meant by it and I still do not know ; but one evening I saw in the brick red mass of cloud and fire of the sunset what seemed like a great city of the West and I wondered if this was Thoreau 's vision of America .
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