Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] as [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When , in the last days of November , a telegram arrived she knew what it must contain and trembled as she held it in her hand .
2 He settled himself on the sofa as he always did , looking fit and rested as he eyed her speculatively .
3 Maxim wondered why he was n't more shocked at the instinctive distrust implied by that decision , and sighed as he realised it was because he 'd been nearly six months in the atmosphere of Whitehall .
4 He held out the glass and watched as she raised it gratefully to her lips .
5 I crept around to the back of the house and watched as he carried her through the kitchen and into the garage .
6 I took him in and watched as he studied it .
7 Creggan had never in his short life felt so desolate , and try as he did he could not rest and fall asleep .
8 I read them and cried as they took me back through time , down the long bloody passageways of the last seventy-five years .
9 She looked around the crowded room for her best friend , Margaret Forrester , and smiled as she saw her sitting on her husband 's lap .
10 The comment was flippant , but she pressed her face against Roman 's shoulder , shivering , desperately seeking the comforting power of muscle and sinew as he held her in his arms .
11 ’ I screamed and kicked as she held me .
12 It began to seem that the entire storehouse was made up of substances which looked harmless and beautiful on the surface , but which changed and blurred and coalesced as you approached them .
13 Course all young w women used to go and skivvy as they called them did n't they .
14 Maura watched as her mother checked the little girl from head to toe , shaking her head and tutting as she did it .
15 He tried a grin , but winced as it hurt him .
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