Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] out [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The band failed to advise said fans , who have endured a five-year wait to see them play live in the UK , that tickets went on sale last Saturday , and sold out on the same day .
2 Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way .
3 He called a sudden halt to his crowded agenda at lunchtime and crashed out for a few hours in the adjacent chamber , throwing the timetable into disarray .
4 There are many lay people who share and live out of the same insight .
5 He was just getting out of the car and he could just get back in it and move out with the same expertise .
6 Many a time they had drunk thus together , as boys , as youths , as men , and come out under the same starlit sky to walk beside each other up the familiar High Street where every house was a landmark and every face part of a shared history .
7 Ask Lina if she 'd like to come up and help out for a few weeks ?
8 There are many different varieties of scabetic mite infesting various mammals , and , although the mites from different animals appear to be similar , they are probably species specific because infestation by the mite from domestic animals does not ‘ take ’ in the human and dies out after a few weeks .
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