Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] what [was/were] going [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So we never had time to think or enjoy what was going up .
2 Of course , nobody saw or heard what was going on .
3 On the Dipper , if you had your eyes shut and your ears plugged up — so you could n't see or hear what was going on — and you just thought about how heavy or light you felt , and what was happening to your tummy — you would n't know for sure what was happening .
4 Rain ousted Zak Smythe from her chair and asked what was going on .
5 When the fiddler leading the dancing stopped playing and asked what was going on , he was ordered to carry on , as though nothing was happening .
6 So I decided to follow along and see what was going on . ’
7 Riven stood on tiptoe to try and see what was going on .
8 I just kept my mouth shut and watched what was going on .
9 He recalls once telling a group of students to clear their minds and observe what was going on in the room .
10 Seething with indignation and fury , she told herself that this was the best way to catch Adam off guard and discover what was going on .
11 I finally got in touch with the distributor and explained what was going on .
12 My mother , having been deprived of one prospective son-in-law , Cedric , now got it in to her head that I might meet an American , and decide to marry him and live the rest of my life in the USA , where she could n't get at me and see what was going on .
13 All the recruits were dressed in blue tracksuits and the Corporal told one of them to show me a bed and explain what was going on .
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