Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] she [prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Confound you , ca n't you even face me now ? ’ he growled , and , walking up to her , he bent to seize her arms and drag her to her feet .
2 He came to her , taking her hands and drawing her to her feet , just standing there looking down at her as she found herself quite incapable of resisting .
3 I not only require total dependence , sabiha tieghi , ’ he teased , steering her back to the shadowy bed , and drawing her into his arms against the rumpled linen sheets .
4 The cry acted like cold water , flung in her face and bringing her to her senses .
5 She was struggling to get Maire 's breath back , and raise her to her feet .
6 ‘ I can easily go back to normal , ’ Maggie got out quickly but he reached out and captured her hand , spinning her towards him and catching her in his arms .
7 A billowing wave of darkness rose up and sucked her to its depths , and she sank to the floor .
8 But he woke in the small hours and found her in his arms , just like that first time in the studio at Westfield Manor .
9 Smiling , he took her hand and drew her to her feet .
10 Effortlessly , he released the recalcitrant belt and drew her into his arms .
11 He dropped his carpet-bag , stooped and helped her to her feet .
12 Amyas took her by the arm and helped her to her feet .
13 He rose and helped her to her feet , steadying her as she eased her weight on to the injured ankle .
14 I arranged to see Isabelle alone and told her of my feelings .
15 He went to India-May again , and told her of his fears .
16 Why do n't you bring her and put her in your dolls pram ?
17 He had wanted to take each part ; eyes , skin , hair , bones , and he had wanted to scoop her up and hold her between his hands and never release her again .
18 He pushed the dress free and lifted her into his arms , walking to the bed , and Maggie made a small whimpering noise she did n't even recognise , a softly feminine noise of submission .
19 Three-year-old Jacqueline ran at him and grasped his knees ; he put down his briefcase and lifted her in his arms , flattered by her attention .
20 With the command he grasped Jess 's arm and hauled her to her feet , then shook her like a piece of crumpled linen , both of them swaying on the edge of the hatchway .
21 He crossed to where she was squatting and hauled her to her feet .
22 He bent down , thrust his unshaven face and stinking breath into Sally-Anne 's , put his great hands under her armpits and hauled her to her feet by main force , Poll still clinging desperately to her .
23 ‘ Mind you , ’ she whispered in his ear as he collapsed to his knees by the bed and clasped her in his arms , ‘ I ca n't promise you a son every time you 're away ! ’
24 Her father stared down at her before taking hold of her arm and pulling her to her feet .
25 He stood abruptly , picking up the parcels and pulling her to her feet , his hand firmly on her arm , his face back to derision .
26 He stood up and began to pace restlessly round the room , stopping occasionally by the door to squint out through the perspex porthole , by the table to lean across it and impale her on his eyes , or by the wall where he sent his hands into spirals of explanation .
27 Lee went to her and folded her in his arms .
28 He laughed and scooped her into his arms .
29 They stood , their arms round each other , staring at the view before them , then at last , turning from the window , David sat on the bed and pulled her between his legs so that as she stood with her hands on his shoulders he pressed his head against her stomach .
30 Jenna lifted her head angrily but the tears still fell , out of her control , and with a murmur of frustration Alain strode forwards and pulled her into his arms .
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