Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] that he [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I was about to go back to the hotel when a pool attendant gestured to me and whispered that he urgently needed to change Iraqi dinars into dollars .
2 Corman called ‘ It 's a wrap ’ on Friday evening , and realized that he still had almost forty-eight hours ' usage left on the warehouse and sets he had rented for The Raven .
3 he looked down at the two hands locked onto his arm and then at the small man hurrying on ahead , and realized that he still had his chaperons , and once again they were not of his own choosing …
4 He was so angry and frustrated that he hardly noticed she was not yet dressed .
5 Sir Claus pointed out that allegations of political interference in statistics are not new , and revealed that he twice threatened to resign over attempts to change or suppress reports under Labour governments .
6 Out of the blue , the Scotland midfield schemer Don Masson , who had missed a penalty in the game against Peru , approached McLeod and admitted that he too had taken the banned drug .
7 Ghorbanifar and Secord both remembered North at his wits ' end , pacing back and forth , describing how the contras were dying ; Secord was pestered continually , and admitted that he never sent the rebels ‘ as much as Ollie thought we should ’ .
8 The idea of going out to the suburb with the dog track , and confronting the confusions and embarrassments of his past life with the formidable armoury of maturity and understanding that he now possesses , appears suddenly very sweet .
9 But for his part , er , it looks good , er he gets lots of promotion in the erm , Iraqi press , which he controls anyway , and Iraqi television , and he comes across as a kind of , er , father of the people , who can on one hand show great severity with executions and so forth , on the other hand , dispense er justice and human feelings , and show that he really loves people in general .
10 Would Mr Lawson then have resisted the temptation to trundle round his Cabinet colleagues , showing off his muscles and boasting that he alone had faced up to the Iron Lady and won ?
11 However , the Tsar broke his promise to share power and stated that he still had overall power .
12 In his resignation letter , Sir Geoffrey noted the growing difference which had emerged between himself and the Prime Minister on the increasingly important issue of Britain 's role in Europe , and especially on monetary policy , and stated that he now felt that he could no longer serve with honour as a member of her government .
13 Estates tail , which formerly could only be created out of freeholds , can now , as equitable interests , be created out of any kind of property ; they are known as ‘ entailed interests ’ , and can be barred not only inter vivos by a deed , but also by a will , provided that the tenant in tail 's interest is in possession , and provided that he specifically refers in his will to the entailed property or the instrument creating it .
14 Robert , a 31 year old architectural technician , found her very attractive too , and felt that he definitely wanted to know her better .
15 He had overcome the rivalry of his son and felt that he fully deserved the expensive lifestyle he enjoyed with Mary .
16 Now , you might think that is unremarkable and argue that he simply says ‘ None ’ to everything .
17 He smites you with something vile and declares that he still loves you .
18 One can picture Hoskyns looking down from the skies and being grateful for his pupil ; and Bethune-Baker looking down and thinking that he always knew where Hoskyns might lead the Churches .
19 It is useful for would-be choreographers to examine his ballets and discover that he mostly set them in countries possessing easily recognised characteristics .
20 When my chap turned to confront the Manston sentry — who was on guard with a rifle and one round , and obviously felt that the chap on the wrong side of the wire could be one of those attacking his airfield — my chap said sharply something to the effect : " Can you get us out of here ? " and explained that he only meant his oppoes , not the Stirling .
21 Certainly II Cnut 54.1 , which forbids the keeping of a woman in addition to a wife , sits ill with the king 's own relationship with Ælfgifu of Northampton , and suggests that he occasionally turned a deaf ear to Wulfstan 's entreaties ; but this does not necessarily mean that he lacked interest in the archbishop 's work .
22 Instead , he became a professor of immunology but says that he still enjoys cooking .
23 She still saw John occasionally but felt that he deliberately kept a barrier between them , although the way he looked at her belied his stilted conversation .
24 But claims that he sexually harassed her on a trip to Cannes were rejected .
25 He also wore uniform but explained that he only held an honorary rank .
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